Chapter Eight

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Isabelle walked in to her room and threw herself on the bed. She stared at the ceiling and thought about the entire day. It seemed like the longest day of her life. She could not understand any of her action throughout the day, first her kissing Alex and then making out with him.

She didn't even know who that man was except he was her new PA and ridiculously good looking. She needed to talk to him about this and clear this whole thing up so that they can start over and she can put her hormones in a box, lock that box and throw the key off a cliff.

She was a grown up and a responsible woman yet she was behaving like a teenager. Belle groaned at the swirling thoughts in her head and got up to run herself a hot bath and drown these stupid thoughts.

A week passed and neither Alex nor Belle talked about that day. They only communicated when it was required.

Alex was getting restless and his temper was always on the brink but he kept in check as he didn't want to yell at or hurt Isabelle. Daniel had called him a couple of time but he had only answered once and had told him was busy with work. However he had to meet up with Daniel soon as to discuss the plan on what do to further.

Alex was lost in thought in when Belle came and cleared her throat to gain his attention. Belle couldn't hold it in any longer. She was attracted to this man and she wanted to talk to him and have everything straightened out.

"Yes Ms. Hawking?" Alex said as he got up.

"Please sit, Mr. Knight" Belle said. Her palms were getting sweaty.

Alex raised his eyebrow at her but said down again.

"Mr. Knight, I wanted to talk about what happened between us..."

"Call me Alex."

Belle looked up at him with a surprised expression.

"I don't like Mr. Knight, it sounds messed up"

Belle and nodded and continued. "Alex that day..I..we...that happened..." Belle stuttered.

"Look Isabelle...I don't want to talk about you being unfaithful with your boyfriend with me and whatever the hell happened that day. It was nothing to me"

"What are you saying? Which boyfriend are you talking about?"

"The one with whom you were planning a dinner date when I walked in to hand over the fax papers."

"I was talking to my mother"

"So you are single?"
"I am not the type to be unfaithful, Alexander. I was talking to my mother."

Alex stared at her and she looked down, completely uncomfortable under his stare. Alex stepped around the table and came up to her. He was a good foot tall from her petite frame.

"Isabelle." Belle refused to look up despite him calling her.

Alex gently grabbed her face and tilted her face up.

"Look at me when I am talking to you Isabelle."

Belle liked the way her name rolled of his tongue. Blue eyes met hazel ones. They stared at each other for a few seconds. Belle broke it off first and stepped aside to leave. Alex grabbed her arm and stopped her.

"Isabelle, I know there is something between us and I have never felt this way with another woman. I don't know about you but this feeling is something unique for me."

"I have never been with anyone so this all is new to me but I also like this feeling."

Alex looked at her shocked. How was that possible? She was an irresistible woman. Alex didn't believe that.

"That is not possible..."

"I was too busy preparing for the position of CEO. It was my first kiss..." Belle mumbled the last part.

Alex looked at her. He couldn't believe any of this. He was her first kiss and they nearly slept. She was so pure and innocent and he almost took advantage of that.

Alex stepped forward and hugged her, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"I would like be your first in everything, Belle." The plan can go to hell. This woman mattered to him.

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