Chapter Twenty-Nine

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So sorry for a late update. Not been well plus studying for a final with a headache and runny nose is something we all do not want to experience!

A week later Belle was heading in towards the courtroom with Hazel in her arms. Her lawyer was fresh out of law school and that was the best she could afford. Belle had talked to Hazel and tried to explain the situation in a way that her young mind could understand. She didn't want Hazel to be emotionally scarred from this incident and Belle had told her that they were going to meet her daddy and she might spend a few days with her daddy. Hazel was very excited.

"Mama, where dada?" Hazel asked as she looked around.

Alex watched as Belle and Hazel entered the courtroom with her lawyer. Alex hated himself for dragging her into this but this was the only way. He was going to bring her to her breaking point so that she could let go off all the demons of her past and try to start a new life. He knew she was a very strong woman but everyone had a breaking point and even the strongest of people needed someone to love and cherish them in their life.

The court session started and the lawyers presented their cases.

Belle's was sweating and feeling dizzy as she watched Jeremy rip apart the case presented by her lawyer. He had completely rendered her lawyer speechless and to make things worse her lawyer was stuttering. People were cross questioned and facts were put forward.

The media was having a field day as the billionaire of San Francisco was fighting a custody case for his child with a past lover. Belle was grateful that Alex and her lawyer had agreed to keep her last name out of it and she was known as Isabelle Rose, the diner girl who stole Alex's heart and ran away with his child. Belle sighed and pushed back her black curls from her face and planted a soft kiss on Hazel's cheek, who was fast asleep in her arms. Tears formed in Belle's eyes as she knew that this case was a lost case and Alex as going to take her baby away from her. Everyone already saw her as the evil and vile ex-lover who wanted revenge and Jeremy was a fierce lawyer who knew what he was doing as opposed to her lawyer.

Belle's was trembling as the session was rounded up and the judge was about to declare the judgment. Belle's heartbeat stopped and she cried out as the full custody of Hazel Alexis Knight was handed over to Alexander Matthew Knight.

Alex got up and headed towards her. Belle clutched Hazel closer to her chest as she saw Alex approach her.

"Please don't take my baby away" Belle whispered her cheeks wet with tears.

Alex felt even less of a man and wanted to hug Belle and take her in his arms and tell her he loved her but he couldn't; she would just go back into her shell and once again this entire process would start so Alex masked away everything from his face and extended his arms for Hazel.

"I already have. Now please hand me over my daughter."

"Please can you do this to me?" Belle sobbed.

Alex leaned forward and took Hazel from her arms, who was still fast asleep and rested her against his shoulder.

"I tried Belle, but you were not willing so this was bound to happen. Well I must get going now. We can meet up soon and work out the days when you can see my daughter" Alex turned around and tried to control the tears that were threatening to fall from his eyes. He just hurt the woman he loved to an extent that she might start hating him even if she didn't till now. Alex walked out of the courtroom without a backward glance while Belle sobbed her heart out in the courtroom.

As this entire scene was going on, Daniel was standing onto the side, dressed as guard and witnessing the whole thing. He smirked to himself.

"Well little brother, things have just gotten interesting" he thought and walked out.


A/N: I know some of you must be like "why the hell is he putting her through this and making everything so twisted and intense and why not just tell how much he loves her?" well he tried and she ran for the hills and she is not going to let him in so he is going to break her walls by pushing her past the point to where she has no choice but to let go of her past but she is a stubborn and strong woman.

Then again life can be pretty messed up and not all love stories are rainbows and unicorns and this is one of them! So heads up as things are going to get pretty intense and what is love if it is not worth fighting for and getting a glimpse of hell while you are it? ;)

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