Chapter Eleven

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"Thank you for dropping by sweetie. I get lonely in this big house especially when your father is gone over seas for business meetings" Martha said as she kissed Belle on the cheek.
"It is not a problem mom" Belle said as she gathered her coat and handbag.

"You seem happy. It is a man isn't it?"

Belle literally stumbled as she missed a step on her mother's observation. Belle blushed but ignored her mother's question.

"Nothing special yet mom, if it will be then you will be first the one to know" Belle hugged her mom and left for her penthouse to get ready for the date. Alex had asked her yesterday after their intense make out session if she wanted to go on a date with him. He had just blurted it out and then started mumbling about making it special.

Belle had laughed at his antics and said that she knew everything would be special with him. She had asked him where they were going but he had told her that he would message her at night.

Last night she had gotten the message to be ready by 10 am dressed as a tourist. Belle had been confused but followed his instruction.

Belle got ready by 10 dressed in a simple floral print summer dress with a black sling bag and her shades and hat. Exactly at 10 her door bell buzzed indicating the arrival of Alex. Belle opened the door and took in the Greek god standing at her door dressed in khaki shorts with simple white button down shirt.

Alex looked at Belle as she opened the door. She looked beautiful in the dress with her hair falling down her back like a waterfall.

"Hey" Belle blushed and greeted Alex.

Alex stepped in and hugged her.

"Good morning Belle" Alex said as he gave her a short yet passionate kiss. He had asked yesterday on a date and she had agreed. Alex had planned on asking her out by slipping a love letter in the project paper but that went down the drain when he blurted it out to her. He kept the letter and decided to give it to her later.

"You look beautiful"

"Thank you Alex" Belle said avoiding eye contact with him. Alex gently cupped her face and tilted it up.

"Always make eye contact when you speak, gorgeous" Alex said to her.

She was too shy and introvert. The only place where Alex had seen her confident with her head held high were business meetings. It irked Alex. Belle was a beautiful and intelligent woman; she needed to carry herself with confidence.

"So tell me where are we going?" Belle asked Alex as they rode down the elevator to the lobby

"Okay so here is the plan. We are going sightseeing around NYC. I will be your guide. "

"You do know that I am born and bought up in New York."

"Yet you haven't set a foot on statue of liberty or gone to the empire state building."

" do you know?"

"You are so beautiful yet you never dated. You barely have any girlfriends who come and visit you or call you. As far as I think you have spent all your teens and early 20's trying to learn business that you barely stepped out into the world and experienced it."

Belle looked at Alex, shocked. He barely knew her from the past three months yet he understood and read her like an open book. It was true. Despite being in NYC all her life she had never gone anywhere. She didn't have any friends with whom she partied or any boyfriend who took her around. She was too busy trying to earn her father's approval.

"Thank you Alex" Belle muttered

"I want you to be happy, gorgeous." Alex said as he gently kissed her forehead.

"So we are going to start with the statue of liberty, all right?" Alex said as he started the car.

"You are not from New York are you?" Belle asked as she realized she didn't know where Alex was from originally.

"I was born in New York, did my high school and college from here but after that shifted around a lot...because of my dad's business." Alex told her. It was true except for the part about his dad's business.

They visited the statue of liberty, the empire state building and various other places across New York. For lunch they had stopped by a vendor selling hot dog and fries in a park. They had walked around the park and talked about their likes and dislikes. Alex was happy to see Belle let loose of her chains and be free and enjoy. She looked ethereal while laughing, the wind blowing her hair, her blue eyes sparkling and her cheeks tinted pink.

First time in her life Belle felt so free, it felt as if she was flying. It was evening and the sun was setting.

"Come one let's go" Alex said as he helped Belle back into the car.

"Now where are we going? " Belle asked as she buckled her seat belt. She felt so happy and relaxed.

"Times square." Alex told her.

"Alex?" Belle said as they drove through the traffic.

"Yes, gorgeous?"

"Thank you for today. It was the best day of my life."

"I promise you there will be many more, Belle" Alex said as he took her hand and kissed her knuckles. He had fallen for this woman and he had fallen hard and now there was no looking back. He was going to make her happy and show her the world.

The only problem that remained was, did she also felt the same way?

Alex sighed and parked as they reached Times Square.

Belle stepped out and Alex took her hand. They walked around for sometime in silence when suddenly a spotlight was aimed at them.

Belle looked around. They were standing in the middle of Times Square and a blow up of them was displayed on the big screen.

"Alex..." Belle whispered.

The song Carry You by Union Jay started playing. People gathered around to look what was happening. Some were whistling and some were clapping.

"Can I have the dance?" Alex said as he bowed and extended his hand.

"Yes...." Belle whispered with tears streaming down her eyes.

They danced with Alex twirling her around and leading.

---Don't ever say you are lonely

Just lay your problems on me

And I will be waiting there for you

The stars can be so blinding

When you get tired of fighting

You know the one you can look to.---

The music stopped and people clapped. Suddenly Alex got down on one knee.

"Oh my Alex..." Belle breathed.

"Don't worry it's not what you think" Alex winked at Belle.

"Isabelle, you are the most innocent and beautiful woman I have ever met. Your heart is so pure and I just want a part of it to love it and cherish it. I love you Isabelle."

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