Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Alex was fuming with anger as he strode onto the street and to make things worse his phone was dead. Alex hailed a cab and got back to the hotel he had checked in with his Aaron.

Alex returned to his room and took out his charger and plugged in his phone. He could not believe Isabelle. First she doesn't tell him about his child, next when he finds out and tries to fix things between them for the sake of their child, she plans to run away. Why can she have a little faith in him and give him a second chance? Yes he led a wrong lifestyle but he was always true to her and it was never his intention once he saw her to break her heart or steal from her. Was his love so weak that it couldn't make her see how much it hurt him to be away from her?

Alex knew it was wrong to put her through this trial and make her fight for the child custody but he had to do it. He couldn't let her push him around like this and make his daughter fatherless despite him being very much alive.

Alex turned on his phone and called his lawyer.
"Jeremy, meet me at my office tomorrow before noon. It is very urgent."

Alex got up and started packing up to return back to San Francisco.


"Alexander Knight" Ethan gaped at the screen as he read out what he had just received. After putting a few inquiries and pulling around a few favors, Ethan was able to dig up who was trying to overthrow them. He had followed the sold shares, which went down in the market at a ridiculous price and those had tracked back to Alex. Alex was an intelligent man, the way he had hidden his tracks. Ethan was impressed, furious and confused at the same time. Why was Alex coming after them?

He dealt in completely different business from what Hawking and Sons dealt in then what was his motive?

"You found it?" George asked as he walked in.

"Yes. It is Alexander Knight." Ethan informed George.

"I feel as if I have heard his name somewhere before" George said as he tried hard to remember.

"He was PA to Isabelle when she was the CEO"

"Ahh, yes. He is now a self made CEO" George murmured, his brain working out a way to handle this situation. "Well you carry on. I will go handle this" George said as he stepped out of Ethan's office.

George took out his phone and dialed the number of a good friend who was an excellent private investigator. Nothing was impossible for this guy.

"Hello there my friend, I needed a small favor. Find out everything you can about Alexander Knight. Every.Little.Detail and get back to me as soon as you can." George hung up and smirked.

"Alexander Knight, you cannot mess around with me and get away easily" George thought.


It had been a week since the fiasco with Alex and Belle was trying to get everything back on track. Today she had a night off from the diner so she was sitting with Hazel as Hazel watched cartoon on the TV.

There was a knock on the door and Belle got up to answer.

Belle opened the door and there stood a man dressed in a black suit with leather briefcase.

"Ms. Hawking?"

"Yes." Belle gave the man a confused look.

"I am Jeremy Callaway. Mr. Knight's lawyer." He introduced himself. Jeremy looked at the woman in front of him and remembered the picture of her he had seen at Alex's office. The woman in the picture was a goddess with fiery red hair and sparkling blue eyes. Jeremy had been envious of Alex. However the woman in front of him was completely different. She was beautiful but there was no spark in her.

"Please come in." Belle said as she stepped aside. Belle looked at the man. He was probably in his late twenties and had blonde hair with piercing blue eyes which made Belle uncomfortable. She felt as if this man could see right through her.

"I am pretty sure you are aware of the reason why I am here"

Belle looked at Hazel who was looking at Jeremy with interest but hid behind Belle as Jeremy directed his gaze towards her.

"Sweety, say hi to Mr. Callaway" Belle told Hazel.

"Hello" Hazel said shyly and peeked at Jeremy from behind Belle and Jeremy was not surprised why Alex was taking this to court. Hazel was the cutest toddler he had seen. She had Alex's hazel eyes.

"Hello Hazel" Jeremy smiled at her.

"Hazel will you please go to the room and play with your toys? I will be there in a minute"

Hazel ran towards the room.

"Please sit" Belle said and took a seat in the chair opposite to him.

"I am going to cut straight to the point. My client has filed a custodial case against you demanding the custody of his three year old daughter. He has also filed a case against you Ms. Hawking for not informing him about his daughter and once he got to know, you tried to run away with his daughter"

Belle stared at the man in front of him, unable to say anything.

"Here is the letter with all the information. You may show this to the lawyer you are planning on handing over your case. The first hearing will be a week from today." Jeremy handed her the letter which Belle took with shaking hands and got up to leave.

"Have a good day, Ms. Hawking"  

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