Chapter Thirty-Three

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Ethan got up from his desk and grabbed few things he needed and decided to call it a night. He was dead tired. Ethan yawned and stretched his arms, a smile making its way on his face as he thought of video calling Mike.

Ethan left the office and while passing by the adjoining bedroom of the office he heard George talking urgently on the phone. Ethan decided to ignore but heard him shout Isabelle's name and Ethan stopped.

"What the hell you mean you have Isabelle as well? No I said only to take the child and not the mother and you said it was not Isabelle! I do not care; kill her. I only want to the child and keep them there in San Francisco only for the time being. We will not inform Alex yet. Let him search for them but yes send an anonymous message and tell him not to involve the police. First sign of involvement of any police put a bullet through Isabelle's head."

Ethan's heart banged against his chest. He couldn't understand what was going on. Did George just order someone to kill his own daughter and kidnap his own granddaughter? Ethan hurriedly left the building and made his way to his car. Once inside he took out his phone. The first thing he had to do was somehow call Alex. He needed to inform him. They already had Hazel and Belle.

Ethan hurriedly searched up the contact number of the office and dialed it. After a minute it was answered by the receptionist.

"Good evening, you have reached the office of CEO of Knight Incorporation. How may I help you?"

"I need to talk to Alex. It is very urgent. It is about his daughter and girlfriend. Please put me through"

"Sorry sir. Mr. Knight is in a meeting at the moment and has strictly ordered not to let any calls through. You can leave a message."

"I cannot leave a damn message. It is the matter of their lives. Why can't you understand?"

"Sir we get such calls every day. So please leave a message and I will inform Mr. Knight."

"How long will the meeting be?"

"Sir has been in the meeting since afternoon. It is of delicate matter and I cannot disclose any information---"

Ethan cursed and cut the call. It was five in the evening now. He couldn't get to the other side of the country to inform him. It wasn't fast enough and if he took the jet, George would know.

Ethan growled and punched the steering wheel. He then remembered his friend who was in San Francisco. They had gone to college together in London and he had recently met him at a charity event in Boston. They had chatted for a few minutes and had exchanged numbers. Ethan hurriedly dialed his number. His friend cut the call. He dialed again and same response. Ethan kept on dialing and left a text message. A few minutes later an irritated voice answered the call.

"Who is this?" his friend, Landon Ryder growled from the other side.

"Hello it is Ethan Wright. We met at the Boston Charity Event"

"Hello, look sorry man I can't catch up right now. I am in a meeting from the past four hours at the Knight Industries and this man Alex is a pain in the as------"



"Please hurry. It is urgent and about his daughter and girlfriend. Please"

There was a sound of door opening and closing and Landon saying something and then Alex answered the call.

"Hello who is this?"

"Alex, it is me Ethan. Listen Alex where are Belle and your daughter?"

"What the hell is going on Ethan and they must be home by now. I had dropped them off at the park before coming for the meeting."

"George has them. He had them kidnapped. I overheard him talking on the phone"

Alex cursed down the line.

"Listen to me. Do not take any immediate or stupid action and do not call the cops. They only want your daughter and not Belle. They said they will kill Belle is there is any involvement of the police force. Alex I need you to calm down and start looking for them. I will be there as soon as I can."

"Thank you"

Ethan cut the call and drove towards the airport.


Alex looked at the phone in his hand and tried to get a grasp on what Ethan just said. Belle and Hazel were kidnapped. Alex cursed out loud. He was going to kill the bastard who laid his hands on his woman and child.

"I am sorry we have to take this up another time. " Alex said as he rushed out of the meeting room hoping they both were alright.

"Jenny, call Jack and ask him to report to my office this very instant!" Alex said to receptionist and ran towards his office. He grabbed his phone and called Isabelle's phone.

"Hello Sir. It is Mary. Madam left her phone in the kitchen" the household maid answered

"Where are Isabelle and Hazel?"

"Sir they have not returned back home yet"

Alex tried to keep his mind off the worse but he couldn't. Alex grabbed a paperweight and threw it against the wall.

"I WILL KILL YOU GEORGE HAWKING!" Alex roared as he threw everything of his office desk.

"Sir?" Jack said as he took in the appearance of the office.

"I need to find my girlfriend and daughter. I do not care. I want their location as soon as possible. I want all you men on this Jack. I know George Hawking is behind this but he is not directly involved. "

"We can directly interrogate George"

"No no! He will not hesitate in killing Belle"

"But they are his leverage"

"My daughter is but not Belle. I think she was there at the moment and that is why they had to take her."

Jack nodded once and left. Alex knew Jack would have them hunted in no time. Jack was an ex special agent and he had his contacts.

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