Chapter Nineteen

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Alex tried to hold on to the last straws of his consciousness but he was failing miserably. All of his three gunshot wounds were bleeding profusely and the pain had come to a point that it was all numb now. Blackness had started to creep into his field of vision.

Last thing Alex heard before he completely went under was the shouts of men and someone trying to shake him awake.


Belle opened her eyes to that similar concrete room and the blood in her veins ran cold. A hand grabbed on to her face and she let out a blood curling scream.

"Ms. Hawking, please calm down. I am here to help you."

Belle looked up at a tall man with a serious expression. He wasn't the man who had tried to rape her before Alex had stepped in.

"Alex...."Belle whispered as she looked around for him but he was not in the room and then she remembered the events that took place in this room, the proof that Daniel guy had showed her and her heart shattered to pieces once again.

"Ma'am, I am Jack Gilbert. I am Mr. Knight's head of security and we will safely take you to the hospital to have you checked up. Mr. Knight is already on the way as he has attained some serious wounds and they need immediate attention."

Belle's heartbeat picked up speed. Alex was hurt and it killed her. No matter what that man did to her, she still loved him with her entire being.

'No, please I am fine. He didn't do anything to me. Mr. Knight had come in at the right time. Please just drop me off at home"

"But Ma'am you were unconscious"

"Please, I am fine. I was not physically harmed. Please drop me off at my place."

"Okay" Jack gave in and removed the restraints from her ankle and wrists. He turned around as she fixed her ripped shirt and wore the jacket on top of it.

Jack though that his employer was romantically involved with the lady, assuming how he was so worried about her but this lady didn't even once ask about Mr. Knight nor did she request him to take her to the hospital so that she could be with him. Jack shrugged off the thought as it was not his place to judge and asked her about her residence address so that he could drop her off.

It almost noon when Belle stumbled into her penthouse and locked the door, then she went and locked all the windows. After that she had checked the door again. She didn't know where that Daniel had gone and neither had she wanted to know.

Belle grabbed a shirt and a pair of track pants and changed into them. Then she dropped on to her bed and let out heart wrecking sobs. Today had been too much for her. She was not emotionally strong enough to take on what went down with her today. Her kidnapping followed by getting to know Alex's true intentions, it killed her.

Alexander; she loved that man. She had thought that she was wrong about how love could only hurt and break a person but he had proved her right. He had proved to her that love did not bring happiness. It only broke a person to such an extent that life seemed like hell because it was exactly how she felt at the moment. She needed to get away from all of this. She couldn't take any of this.

She should have stayed away from Alex and focused on her company. She had been a fool falling for him but now she worried that how was she going to let go off him. He had given her so many memories thought they were fake for him but they were every bit true for her.

Belle felt her stomach churning and she got up and ran towards the washroom and threw up. She sank onto the floor and cried until she felt as if her tears had dried up.

"Alex, why did you do this to me!?" Belle screamed as she pulled at her hair. No way would she ever make the mistake of falling for a man.

"How will you fall for another man when you will never be able to get over Alex..." a voice in her head whispered.

"SHUT UP!" she screamed as slapped her palms against the wall.

The door bell rang, indicating the arrival of someone at her door. Belle got up and trudged towards the door. She knew it was either her father or mother because they were the only one who were allowed through the lobby security.

She didn't want to see anyone but she didn't have the energy to send them away. Belle pulled open the door and saw her father standing there.

"Belle dear! What happened to you?" George said as he took in her appearance.

"I am fine dad. Just a bad day" Belle was shocked at her composure.

"Doesn't seem like it. I went to the office to check on you but no one was there, even that useless PA of yours wasn't' there."

"I have fired that pathetic excuse of a man"

'Good. Otherwise I would have done that"

"What happened dad?"

"I came to ask you that what have you thought about the deal I told you about last night"

Belle had forgotten about it but now that her father reminded her, it all came flooding back to her.

"Look is the best thing for our company and Ethan is a good man. He will take good care of you."

"Okay dad. I will marry him."


"I said yes I will marry him if it is best for our company" The company was the only thing that Belle had at the moment and this would save her from any future pain of relationships. Arranged marriage was the solution for her.

"Thank you so much dear. I will tell Ethan the good news and we can plan this out as we want."

"Okay dad."

"Take care Belle. You don't seem well. Take good care of your health. Bye" George hurriedly left the penthouse and messaged Ethan about Belle's approval.

Belle watched her father leave and closed the door.
"I made the right decision by marrying Ethan. He knows this is for business so he will not bring love in to this. It will be good for the company as well. He is smart and we can both work together to expand this business even more. I need to focus on my work. I have spent majority of my life preparing to look after the business and I will not let a man come and throw it all away." Belle said to herself but Alex's face flashed through her head and she broke down again crying and yelling at him for breaking her to such an extent.

She couldn't even bring herself to hate him for cheating her like this.

"I am screwed" Belle said to herself as she headed for the kitchen to grab a bottle of red wine.

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