Chapter Three

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Isabelle strode into the meeting with her shoulders squared and head held high.
However on the inside she was barely holding on. She felt like she just walked into a room full of wolves. The men in this room did not want her to take over the business.
"Good morning gentlemen"  Belle greeted everyone in the conference room with a smile.
She then directly jumped into the presentation, her facts and information flowing smoothly due to weeks of practice.
Everyone in the room was listening to her carefully and quite impressed with her outlook and business sense.
George could not help but beam with pride at his daughter. Yes he had his doubts in the beginning but ever since Belle joined business school he knew he didnt have to worry about the future of his business.
He saw the dedication in his daughter and he was proud.
Soon the presentation ended and everyone applauded.
Isabelle walked out the room and headed towards the restroom.
"That was too easy" She thought to herself.
She had expected them to not listen to her and point out 100 different mistakes yet everyone was truly impressed.
Isabelle did a touch up of her make up and walked backed out and headed towards her father's office.
Upon reaching she saw the board outside her father's office was changed.
Instead of George Hawking, CEO, Hawking & Sons; it read Isabelle Hawking, CEO, Hawking & Sons, in an elegant font.
Belle stared at her dream come true in front of her eyes.
She opened the door and walked in to see Steven Johnson, her father's PA, packing his stuff.
"Dad what is going on? The board outside?" Belle asked as her father emerged from the washroom.
"This is your office now my Belle. Old Steven is also retiring along with me. Opening has been placed for the position of the new PA. You can interview the potential candidates and appoint your new PA."
Belle just stared at her father.
"Come here Belle" George said.
He embraced Belle and placed a soft kiss on her head.
"I am proud of you my daughter."

"This is it man!" Daniel said as he ran towards Alex who was lying out in sun.
"The Hawking family is clear. They are nothing but generations of intelligent and lucky bastards."
"Are you sure?"
"I love your enthusiasm Alex" Daniel remarked sarcastically.
"Thank you" Alex grinned at his friend.
"So here is our plan and you are going to owe me for this one Alex" Dan said.
"Okay so what is the plan?"
"The beauty has taken over as the CEO and when I say beauty I mean like dazzling. That woman is like wow. I mean WOW"
"Okay yes I get it. Get to the point"
"There is an opening for the PA position in her office and you are going to apply for it."
"What?" Alex sat up and looked at Daniel.
"You leave that to me. The interviews are starting from next week. The game is on my friend" Daniel said as he walked away.

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