Chapter Seventeen

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Ethan was pacing in his hotel suite, thinking through the contract George had sent to him and asked him to sign.

It was a contract stating that once Belle and he got married, starting from that period, for the next five years all major decision regarding the company will be in the hands of George and after the end of five years, Ethan can completely take over but the majority of the shares would still remain in the name of George till his death. Also after the death of George the company's name would remain as it is and it would not be merged with Wright Inc.

Ethan thought it over. The contract was pretty straight forward. It was fair enough given that George was handing him over a company which was worth billions and that too without anything much in return. Ethan had discussed this contract with his father and his father didn't have any problem with it. His father had told him that the moment he signed the company in his name, the Wright Inc. would also be handed over to him and he would be named the new CEO.

Only thing that was clouding this over was the fact that Isabelle would be lied and cheated with. He had met her two weeks ago and in those two weeks; they had become pretty good friends. They had gone for lunch almost every day, much to her boyfriend, Alex's displeasure. Isabelle and Alex didn't know that Ethan was gay. Isabelle was still unaware of the whole thing being plotted under her nose. Ethan felt even worse once he got to know that Alex was also involved. He would also have to go along with it. At least he would be there to help Belle once this all was over. He felt angry at being so weak against this all but he had to do it because besides the title of the CEO, his life was also at stake. If he won both these companies over then his father had promised to accept him and Mike and let Ethan publicly bring out his relation. His father was a ruthless man and Ethan didn't even want to think what he could do. Ethan couldn't let Mike get involved in this mess. He would do as his father wanted and it wouldn't be that bad. He would have two companies to his name and Mike in his life without any complications. As for Belle, she had Alex and time heals every wound.

Ethan picked up the pen and signed his name on the dotted line. He then picked up his phone and dialed a number.

"Mr. Hawking, the contract has been signed."

"Alex, stop it." Belle tried to push Alex away as he kept distracting her by kissing her on her cheek and neck.

"What? We have been doing this since morning and I am hating this project more by the minute." Alex grumbled as he flopped back on the couch and stretched his arms over head.

Belle looked at Alex's muscle contract under his shirt and heat pooled between her legs. She blushed and looked down.

"Well well, Ms. Hawking, like what you see?" Alex said arching his eyebrow.

Since they inaugurated the bed in the adjoining room of the office two weeks ago, all limits between professional and personal life had been broken. Belle didn't like the fact that she failed at segregating it but she couldn't get enough of Alex.

They had some major projects coming up and both of them were stuck in the office till late night, finishing everything off.

"God, my shoulder and neck is paining like hell" Belle groaned as she straightened up from the document she was proof reading.

"Come here" Alex said as he pulled Belle towards her. He started kneading her should and Belle moaned from the relief.

"You make that sound one more time and I will take you here" Alex growled

"We are worse than rabbits" Belle muttered

Alex laughed at her remark and he swiftly got up and threw Belle over her shoulder and headed towards the bedroom. However upon entering the room, Alex remembered he didn't have any protection as the last of it finished yesterday.

"Damn it" He cursed

"What happened?"

"No protection. I am sorry."

Belle laughed at his expression. "It's okay. Besides we have been too irresponsible the past few times without protection."

"I know. I don't think straight when you are around."

"Isabelle?" George called out.

"Shit. Your father and his timings" Alex said as he nearly dropped Belle on the floor

Belle hurriedly walked out and closed the door behind her. She walked into her office and saw her father standing there.

"Hello, dad."

"I have never seen your PA around whenever I come."

"He is gone to the restroom, dad."

"Okay. Well Isabelle there is something of urgent nature that I need to discuss with you regarding the company. How about we head out for dinner? It is almost 8 p.m."

"Yes. I will go get my stuff. Be back in a minute."

Soon both Belle and George arrived at a restaurant and ordered dinner. Belle messaged Alex about her whereabouts and asked him to head home as she was out with her father and would be late.

"Isabelle, I am going to get straight to the point dear. You have met Ethan and spent time with him. He is a very intelligent businessman. His father and I are good friends. For the betterment of ours and their company, we want you and Ethan to get married and bring together our companies in a stronger bond."

"Dad! What are you saying?" Belle said, shell shocked. She couldn't believe what her father just said and how could Ethan do this to her? He knew all along and he did not even mention it to her once. Moreover he knew about Alex and her relationship and how they felt about one another yet he still did this to her.

"Look Belle----"

"Dad, you didn't even ask me once!"


"This is not done, dad. You just cant---"

"I said listen to me!" George almost yelled, his temper getting worse of him.

Belle's heartbeat skyrocketed at the raised voice of George and cold sweat broke out on her body. George was pleased with the reaction he got from her, she was scared of him.

"Look, you marry him or I take this position of the CEO away from you."

Belle just looked at the monster sitting in front of her who pretended to be her father.

"I cannot believe you are such an intelligent girl yet you cannot see the possible business opportunities we will gain from this alliance. It is crucial Belle. One day I will not be around and I want to be sure that you and this company are in good hands" George said, trying to play the good card.

"I need to think about this." Belle said as she got up and left.

She couldn't think at the moment. All that was crossing her mind was Alex. She just can't walk away and marry some man just because it was good for business. Ethan was a good man but he was not the man for her.

"Maybe I should tell dad about Alex. He also comes from a business oriented family. His dad owns a business. Alex can help me sort this out." Belle muttered to herself, desperate for some solution.

She got into her car and headed towards Alex's penthouse and discuss this whole mess with him.

A man standing outside the restaurant saw Belle get into her car and pull away. He took out his phone and called his partner.

"She is on the move. Don't let her get away. "

Belle parked near a pizza place to get dinner for both her and Alex. She got the pizza and get back into her car. She turned back to keep the pizza on the back seat when a metal barrel pressed against her head.

"You move or scream; I blow your brains out."

Before Belle could react, the man pushed a cloth against her face. The last thing Belle heard before she blanked out was "We got her".

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