Chapter Thirty-Four

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Isabelle opened her eyes and the back of her head throbbed. She tried to lift her hand and rub the back of her hand but they were tied down. She looked around. She was tried on a chair and they were in some sort of basement. There wasn't much light.

"Mama..." Hazel cried out. Belle immediately looked up and saw Hazel across from her. She was put in a small bed but it had high bars surrounding it, like a crib.

"Sweety, it is okay. Daddy will be here soon. Just sit down okay?"

"Mama my head hurts."

Belle tried not to curse in front of Hazel. Those men must have given her chloroform. Belle got worried hoping it didn't have any ill effects on Hazel's health.

"Shush baby girl. Try to sleep. Your head will get better." Belle started humming a lullaby. Hazel curled down on the bed and after a few minutes she fell asleep. Tears streamed down Belle's cheeks as she looked at Hazel.

The door opened and a man walked in. As he came closer, Belle realized who it was.

"Daniel" Belle whispered.

"Hello Isabelle. We meet again"

Belle was shocked. What did this man want from her daughter? Belle watched as Daniel took out a needle and filled it with some medicine. He started walking towards Hazel.

"NO! NO!!! STAY AWAY FROM HER!" Belle screamed trying to free herself from the chair.

"Shut up"


"Oh really?" Daniel turned around and faced Belle. He looked at the pain and fear on her face and he stopped. Daniel tried to get his head back in the game. He was not used to all this but he wanted revenge from his brother.

Daniel heard the girl move behind him as she woke up from the noise and he turned around. He gasped when she turned her hazel eyes towards him. She had the same eyes as his father, Matthew. Alex had inherited their father's eyes while Daniel had his mother's grey eyes.


"Hazel, baby this is Uncle Daniel. Say hi..."

"Uncle Danny!" Hazel clapped her hands and lifted her arms towards Daniel, urging him to pick him up.

"Please Daniel don't do anything to her. She is your family."

Daniel looked between Isabelle and Hazel. Hazel was excitedly jumping in the bed.

"Up! Up! Uncle Danny!" Warmth seeped through Daniel's cold heart. He couldn't hurt this small girl.

"Daniel! Man what the hell are you doing? You were supposed to inject the kid with a sedative and be back" A man entered the room, yelling at Daniel. Belle didn't recognize this man.

"I will be back Max. The needle broke." Daniel said and walked out of the room.

Max turned around and looked Belle.

"Well...well...look what we have here huh?" Max said as he came over to Belle and grabbed her by her hair. He was looking at her like she was a piece of meat and Belle felt her skin crawl.

"I think I would like to taste you" He sneered as he lowered his face towards her and Belle spit on his face.

"YOU BITCH!" Max yelled and slapped her across the face.

"You wait till Alex gets his hands on all you bastards." Belle yelled back at him.

"Oh really? You think lover boy can get here without having his brains blown out?"

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