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So today my imagination went into over drive and this story just spilled out of my hands on to a piece of paper.
I have the story outlined uptil chapter 23 approx and it has got so many twists and turns that i hope you all will enjoy it.
New characters will be introduced as well.
Updates will be regular even though my finals are going on right now.
I dont want the reader to lose touch with the story due to too much time gap in between the updates.
Some chapters might be small like 600 or 700 words but i ll try to keep them above 1000 words.
But again i am happy this story shaped up in my mind way better than i thought when i first started.
Thank you all for voting and supporting the story!
You all are my encouragement!
Keep reading
And voting
And supporting!
It means a lot <3
Thank you :)

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