Chapter Fourteen

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"Meet me at the lobby -AK"

Belle read the note and smiled. Yesterday she had told Alex about her fears and he had not run for the hills. He had stood by her side and promised her not to hurt her.

"But promises can be broken...." A voice in her head whispered.

"No, Alex loves me and cares for me and tonight I will also tell him how much I love him." Belle said to herself getting rid of any negative thoughts.

It was almost 6 p.m. now and Belle packed her things and grabbed her handbag. She stepped out of her office and saw that Alex was not there.

Belle got onto the elevator and reached the lobby. A couple of people wished her good night as they passed her and she nodded her head in response. She looked around but Alex was not there. A chauffeur came and asked her to come to the waiting car.

It was a white stretch limo. Belle looked at the chauffeur but he just bowed and opened the door for her. Belle got inside and on the seat there was a note with two boxes. Belle picked up the note.

"Change into this dress. See you soon. -AK"

Belle opened the box and inside it was a strapless black dress which was tailored to fit till the waist and flared down from there reaching up to mid thigh. Belle opened the other box and in it were black heels. Belle looked at the panel between the driver and the back and it was close. She hurriedly changed out of her clothes and into the dress. She put her work clothes in the box and set them aside. She then opened the pony she had tied her hair in and let them lose down her back. She grabbed a bobby pin from her handbag and pinned up her fringes on both side by rolling them.

Just as she finished re applying her lipstick, the limo stopped and the chauffeur opened the door.

"Ma'am we are here."

"Thank you" Belle said as she stepped out.

Belle looked ahead and saw that they were at a helipad and Alex was waiting next to a chopper looking dashing in a dress shirt with sleeves rolled up with black dress pants.

"Alex!" Belle yelled as she ran towards him.

Alex lifted her and swirled her around. Belle kissed his forehead.

"What is all this? I didn't know you also owned a chopper!" Belle said.

Alex just nodded at Belle. He also owned a private jet and two luxury yachts. Alex unlike Daniel, who blew his money on immaterial things, had invested all the money he made into starting up several small businesses which were booming. Soon Alex had decided to combine them all and convert them into one grand company. He was fed up of this life as a con man. He was as such reluctant in the beginning when Daniel had first proposed it but he did it for Daniel's sake as he had always been there for Alex and Alex loved him like a brother.

Alex was now just waiting for the right time to converge all his businesses and he had decided to take Daniel in as his partner so he would also let go of this life as con man.

"Where are we going this time?" Belle asked as they both got in and strapped themselves in.

"For a ride" Alex said as he indicated the pilot that they were all set to take off.

The chopper took off and soon they were heading away from New York. Belle was enjoying the view and Alex was happy to see the spark in her blue eyes.

Soon the chopper started to descend on a helipad on the edge of the cliff.

"Are deciding to kill me and throw me off the cliff?"

"Nah that's too much work, I would have simply pushed you off the chopper" Alex grinned as Belle looked at him shocked.

"I am kidding my love" Alex pecked Belle's lips and helped her out of the chopper. As the chopper flew back off, Belle turned around and noticed small yet modern looking cabin set back from the cliff and surrounded by the woods.

Belle looked up at Alex and tilted her head towards the cabin.

"We are staying here for the night. It is mine. I come here often when I feel like relaxing."

"You mean hibernating"

Alex chuckled at her remark. "It is a really peaceful place and I love coming here. You can see the entire New York City from up here and it is just breath taking. Also the stars can be seen so clearly. In the morning we will head to this waterfall few miles from here. It will be fun" Alex winked at Belle.

Alex took Belle's hand and they went inside the cabin. It was beautiful and luxurious from inside. Belle watched as Alex grabbed a couple of blankets and a picnic basket.

"We will have dinner outside"

"Wow a picnic basket just magically appeared or what?"

Alex raised his eyebrow at Belle and she blushed. He liked how she was talking freely to him and even joking around, something which she barely did.

"I had the housekeeping staff come in early to clean up and prepare the food. I hope that solved your mystery of the magical picnic basket."

Belle threw back her head and laughed and it sounded magical to his ears. She headed outside and Alex followed her. They set up the blankets and sat down. Alex pulled Belle up against his chest and Belle's body heated up with the contact. X-rated images started passing through Belle's head as she felt the hard contours of his chest against her back.

Alex traced patterns on her bare shoulders and placed kisses along her neck. Belle's body shivered at the contact and goose bumps appeared on her skin.

"Belle..." Alex whispered in her ear. His husky voice had heat pooling at the bottom of her stomach. She leaned back into him as Alex encircled her waist with his hands. Suddenly Belle was twisted around and she was now straddling Alex. He tilted her head down and took her lips for a slow and passionate kiss which made Belle's body melt with desire. She pushed her body up against him feeling his arousal push against her.

"Belle..." Alex groaned.

"I want you Alex..."

Alex looked at her and Belle nodded her head. She reached back and unzipped her dress letting it fall. Alex sucked in a breath as he gazed at her beautiful body.

"Belle...I don't want you to regret any of this later. I love you and I want this to be special."

"And I want you to my first and only" Belle whispered as she unbuttoned his shirt and pressed her palms against his chest. Alex closed his eyes at her contact.

"Will you be my first?"

"It will be my honor..."

Alex flipped Belle over and within a matter of seconds their clothes were lying discarded. Alex worshipped Belle's body like it deserved to be worshipped. Soon both of them spiraled into the world of ecstasy and reached the breaking point as they climaxed together under the stars.

"I love you Alex."

"I love you too my baby girl"

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