Chapter Sixteen

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Alex woke up with a pounding sensation in his head. His neck and back felt stiff from sleeping on the couch.

“You okay dude?” Daniel said, mocking concern when he saw Alex come around.

“Yeah, just feel messed up in the head. What happened last night?”

“You drank too much and passed out. Here take some coffee; it will help you feel better.”

“I am late for work.” Alex groaned as he checked the time on his phone. He grabbed the coffee mug from Daniel’s hand, drank it swiftly while walking towards his room to get ready for work.

“Alex, I am going to leave. See you later man” Daniel yelled as he left Alex’s penthouse

Belle entered the office floor to find Alex’s desk empty.  They had spent the night and half of the next day at the cabin and had returned back late into the afternoon.

Belle felt happy and in a better mood ever since then. She made her way to her office and left a message to Alex asking about his whereabouts.

There was knock on her office door followed by her father entering the office along with another man whom Belle failed to recognize.

“Hello dear” George said as he hugged Belle and kissed her cheek.

“Meet Ethan Wright. He is the heir to Wright Companies which deal in luxury jets and automobiles. His company is based in London and he is here to get to know about the construction business and know more about our company. I hope you will help him fully.”

“Hello Ms. Hawking” Ethan said as he extended his hand

“Please call me Isabelle” Belle said as she shook hands with Ethan. He was a good looking man.

“But not as good as Alex” a voice in her head said and Belle smiled at that thought.

“So I will leave you two to it. I have to head out. I have promised your mother that I will take her out for lunch today” George said and turned to exit the office.

Belle ignored that fake loving tone in her father’s voice and politely smiled at her father. She never understood why she always strived to please this man who was nothing but a monster to her mother. She couldn’t help it. She didn’t want him to hate her. She wanted him to realize how special they both were to him.

“Well, Isabelle, I am surprise you have taken over at such a young age. I yet to become the CEO and I am almost 28 now. My father still hasn’t come to have complete faith in my abilities.”

Belle laughed at Ethan’s expression.

“Don’t worry Mr. Wright, it will all work out. I am sure an intelligent man like you will not have any issue handling any sort of business”

“You seem to be a good judge of character”

“The eyes speak volumes, Mr. Wright”

Ethan looked at Isabelle as she sat behind the desk going through various files and signing certain documents. He was here to manipulate her and make her give up this position she had worked so hard for as he could see she was very dedicated to her work but he had no choice, not only he would lose this mega company, he would also end up losing his own company to his step brother if he didn’t do as his father and George wanted.

“Well, Isabelle tell me more about this company” Ethan said as he leaned forward.

“Well you know how we deal in construction materials and all other aspects related to it like mining and production of material required for construction…” Belle went on to explain her outlooks of the company, its current turnover and what was expected of the company in the coming ten years. She explained the possible setbacks and issues that the company might have to face due to fluctuation in the economy.

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