Chapter Fifteen

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Daniel got into the elevator and headed towards Alex's penthouse. He had come here last night but Alex was not around. He needed to talk to Alex.

Daniel pressed the buzzer and a minute later Alex opened the door.

"Hey Daniel. What's up?" Alex said as he let Daniel in.

"Nothing. I came by yesterday but you weren't here so I decided to drop by today. Where were you?"

" know...there were a lot of filing to do at the office so I crashed there plus helped me get good points with the boss. Will ask her out soon like you know a lunch or something and take things further from there"

Daniel resisted the urge to punch Alex in the face. He knew it; he knew that Alex was hiding something from him. Daniel knew that he had gone with that Belle for a date last night and that to a fancy one. He had one of his men tag Alex. Daniel had contacts that Alex knew nothing about. For Daniel this life as con man was everything. He couldn't let anything mess with it, not even a stupid love affair of his partner.

Daniel had realized a year ago that Alex was starting up several businesses with the interest of taking them up and letting go off this life and no way in hell would he let that happen. Alex was a convenient partner for him and he would make sure he stayed, not that he cared much about Alex. He just couldn't bother looking up someone else as his partner. Alex was a fool blinded by emotions when it came to Daniel and he took advantage of it.

"I got some whiskey. Let's relax for tonight man. I miss you so much" Daniel winked at Alex

"Since when are you the pestering girlfriend?" Alex said as he threw himself on the couch across from Daniel.

Daniel ignored that remark and poured them both a glass of whiskey each.

"Go get some ice will you?" Daniel asked him

He watched as Alex headed towards the kitchen and he hurriedly threw sleeping pills into his glass and sat back.

Alex threw ice cubes into both their glasses

"Cheers" Alex said and Daniel clinked his glass with his.

Alex downed the entire whiskey in one go.

"Easy there will you?" Daniel chuckled

Alex filled his glass again and took it down. Alex felt like the room was spinning.

"Hey Dan...what...." Alex said as he fell against the back of the sofa and passed out.

Daniel looked at Alex once and nudged him. Satisfied that he was down for the night, he made his way to his study.

Daniel looked around for Alex's journal. Alex kept a well maintained journal and Daniel knew that he would find all the hidden truth there.

He spotted the leather bound journal in the second drawer of his bedside table.

He opened it and flipped it to the last entry.

I never knew what love felt like but if it is anything like how I fell when I am around Belle then I wouldn't mind falling in love over and over again. She is like this bright light and I am the moth. I cannot help but be drawn towards her.

I want to be there for her at every turn of her life. I know she has had a difficult past with something even though she has not told me but I can understand from her reserved nature. I know she feel the same way for me but I will wait for her to tell me herself and not force it out of her. For Isabelle I can wait a lifetime. I sound like such a hopeless romantic but what can I do? Such is the effect of that amazing woman on my life.

The only dark side to this is my initial motive of coming in her life. I came into her life to hurt and cheat her but I cannot do that anymore. I would rather die than let anything happen to her. I have to tell Daniel, I know he will not take this easily but I have to make him understand. I cannot tell this to Isabelle. It will break her. I will bury this way past us and never let its shadows touch her. I never intended on going ahead with the plan from the moment her soft lips captured mine for a reluctant kiss. I guess that was the moment I surrendered my heart to that red haired goddess.

For tomorrow I have planned on taking her to my cabin. I hope she will enjoy herself there and open up more with me. I want to be there for her and help her come over her dark past. Hope it all goes well.

-Alexander M. Knight.

"Bastard..." Daniel growled when he finished reading the entry. "He thinks he can just sabotage my plan and walk away with the girl?"

Daniel threw his head back and laughed.

"I will never let that happen, my little brother. We cannot run away from this life as con men. It runs in our blood."

Daniel took out his phone and dialed a number.

"I want the Hawking girl as soon as possible."

"Payback is a bitch Alex" Daniel said as he kept the journal back and walked out.

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