Chapter Twenty-Two

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Alex was getting impatient due the fact that he was stuck in the traffic from the past fifteen minutes and the car has not moved an inch since then.

Today Alex was going to go over his businesses and converge all of them as one and bring his company into the market. So far all his businesses have been going good and the annual turnover was past the million mark. He needed something to take his mind of Isabelle and hence he busied himself with work. It was now almost a week since he had been discharged from the hospital.

Alex was thinking about the meeting and discussing his plans, when he saw a familiar red head. He looked carefully and saw her walking with a man, which was Ethan towards a private clinic.

"Arnold, hurry up and park the car on the side and follow that couple into the clinic" Alex instructed his driver as he pointed towards them. He couldn't follow them himself and get caught by Belle. He hoped Belle was okay.

"Yes Sir" Arnold said as he got out and went after them.

Twenty minutes later Arnold returned and got into the car.

"What was their purpose of visit?" Alex asked, his heartbeat going off scale.

"Sir, the couple is expecting their first child together. They had come for their first ultrasound"

Alex paled and sank back into the seat. Belle was pregnant with Ethan's child. Alex couldn't believe it. It means Belle did love Ethan and she went behind his back.

"Drive back to the penthouse" Alex growled, trying to control his temper and mask his pain at the same time. Belle had betrayed him. He had come to play her but she was the one who played him. Yet she had the nerve to look so hurt and broken when Daniel had told the truth.

It is crazy what a person can do to you; first they make your heart skip beats and then they will make your inside ache until you forget the difference between love and hate.

Alex wanted to break everything in his reach. The moment the car stopped in front of his building Alex ran out and headed towards his penthouse, dialing Jack's number on the way up.

"Hello, yeah Jack, cancel today's meeting. New York will no longer be the headquarters. I am moving out this city. I will call you with the details later. Bye"

Alex entered his penthouse and chucked his phone across the lobby. It smashed against the wall.

"AARGHH!!! WHY?!!HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME ISABELLE!!?? I LOVE YOU DAMNIT!" Alex yelled as he fell to his knee and yelled out in physical pain as his injured knee made contact with the floor but that physical pain was nothing compared to what Alex was feeling emotionally.

He had to get away from this city and far away from Isabelle if he wanted to live.


Belle walked into her penthouse and sat on the couch. She took out the picture of the scan that she went for today. A surge of love and pure affection that went through her body when she saw the little blip on the monitor could not be expressed in words. She felt so protective of it. It was a creation of her and Alex's love and she was going to give it infinite love and care.

Tears escaped Belle's eyes as she looked at the scan and caressed her belly.

"I love you, my baby" Belle whispered. How she wished Alex was next to her. A sob escaped her lips and Belle broke down crying for her lost love. Why did things have to be the way they were? Why wasn't she lucky enough to have true love in her life?

Belle got up to get herself a glass of water when the doorbell rang.

Belle went and opened the door and George came raging in.

"Dad..." Belle's instantly got scared at her father's expression.

"YOU WHORE!" George yelled and slapped Belle's across the face.

Belle was paralyzed with fear at the spot and memories from the past started flashing through her mind.

Her mother screaming

Bruises on her mother's cheek

Cuts on her mother's arms

Her father yelling

"You are pregnant with another man's child?! That too within two weeks of being married to Ethan!? Who is that bastard of a father huh? It is that pathetic PA yours isn't it?" George said as he grabbed her by the hair.

"That poor man, Ethan is devastated. He is saying he will take the child as his own. But no! I will not let this happen. I will not let you disgrace this company and my name like this!" He yanked her hair and Belle cried out in pain.

George was enjoying this. He was finally able to vent out his frustration on this bitch that had made his life miserable along with her no good of a mother. Also he got a reason for her to divorce Ethan. George was ecstatic.

"Dad..." Belle whimpered.

"Don't you dare call me that understood!? I am not your father and you are not my blood. God knows which dirty blood runs in your veins."

"What do you mean?"

George laughed out.

"I cannot father a child my dear but your mother does not know this, she thinks she is the one with the reproductive problem. We had gotten IVF done and sperm donor was not me. You are not my daughter."

Belle cried out as George pulled on her hair with more force. Belle's ears were ringing with her father, this man's words. He was not her father yet she had spent her entire life trying to live up to his expectations.

"You are lying..."Belle whispered.

"Why would I lie huh? Look at this!" George took out a document and threw it at her face.

It was DNA testing for her and George and the DNA was not a match.

Belle collapsed the floor clutching the document.

"No this cannot be..."Belle said as she shook her head.

George got down to her level and grabbed her by the neck. He snatched the document from her hand.

"Now listen to me very carefully. You sign these divorce papers and these papers stating the transfer of the company to Ethan's name. I will tell Ethan than you left the country and do not want any contact with him. You get the hell out of this city and go as far as you can and if your mother gets a wind of this, it will not be good for her. You know what I am capable of as I know you are not oblivious to the past of your mother and me. You do not tell her a single thing and silently leave this city within three days. Your mother will know better than to question your absence. No one should know about this. When I say no one I mean NO ONE. If I get to know you have opened your mouth to anyone, this little bastard that is growing inside you and your mother will pay the price. I will not hesitate to kill either of them. You understand?"

Belle nodded.

"Good girl. Don't play smart with me and I will let you live. You try to act smart with me, the consequences will be disastrous. Now sign these papers!"

Belle took the pen and with shaking hands signed both the documents on the dotted line.

"That's my girl" George patted her head and Belle shivered at his contact.

"Goodbye Isabelle Rose. For you own sake I hope I never see you again." George said and walked out the penthouse.



I will try to update tomorrow but I cannot promise as I have my neurology and neurosurgery exam on Tuesday. I will try my best to update either on Sunday or Monday and if not then again a double update will be there on Tuesday evening! 

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