Chapter Two

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"Alex! Wake up!" Daniel Hoffman pushed his best friend and partner Alexander Knight who at the moment was dead to the world.

"Leave me alone man. I am tired." Alex groaned as he covered his face with a pillow.

Suddenly Alex landed flat on his face on the floor as Daniel had pushed him off the bed.

"Eff off you bastard." Alex growled. Now his morning was officially ruined.

"What is wrong with you man!?" Daniel said as he tried to help Alex up from the floor.

"What is so urgent?" Alex said as he got up. The past one month had been tense and now they were in Hawaii finally relaxing after a stressful time.

Their last venture as con men had nearly gotten them killed. The people who they were fooling nearly caught on to them but with help of Daniel's contacts things got under control.

Daniel and Alex were two men army. They looked up rich people and either Daniel or Alex mixed up in their world and made links with them either as boyfriends, fiancée, husbands, business associates etc though they avoided the role of fiance and husband whenever possible and extracted money and smoothly walked out without anyone even realizing what happened.

They would stage their end in such a way that it would seem like a horrible accident and rather than trying to find faults in them, people sympathized with Alex and Daniel. Yes they emotionally manipulated people but they never in their almost six year of this business ever physically hurt anyone. They weren't mafia or gang member neither they had any links with such people. They simply conned the ultra rich to whom a few million didn't even matter.

Both Daniel and Alex lived a satisfying lifestyle and both had enough millions to their names. Their each mission usually lasts about a year and they kept moving from one city to another. Their last venture was in Miami. Daniel wooed the heart of a daughter of billionaire who owned several clubs in Miami but the billionaire had links with mafia and he smelled something fishy. So before he could take any drastic step, Daniel made an exit from the daughter's life and both Alex and Daniel came to Hawaii to lie low for some time and now here they were in a posh beach house enjoying their life.

"I think we should head out now. I don't like sitting around doing nothing." Daniel said

"And what you have in mind?"

"I found this article in the newspaper this morning..." Daniel said he pushed the paper towards Alex

"Just tell me. I am in no mood to read it out." Alex said lazily.

"So there is this businessman in New York. His name is George Hawking."

"You mean the owner of Hawking & Sons?" Alex said as he sat up straight. Alex had heard about this company on numerous occasions. The Hawking family is filthy rich.

"Yes but the best part is what I am about to tell you. His only heir is his daughter, Isabelle Hawking and according to the media she is going to soon take over as the CEO" Daniel said as he tossed the newspaper aside and looked at Alex.

"So you want to make them our next target?"

"Of course man! This time you are going to go and charm the pants off Ms. Hawking and marry her and have the company in your name and then we will have Ms. Hawking...I mean Mrs. Knight out of the picture and you my friend will be the new owner of Hawking and Sons." Daniel smirked

"You make it sound like running to the grocery store to get a bag of milk and a dozen eggs."

Daniel glared at Alex.

"I am serious Daniel. Have you forgotten what happened the last time in Miami or do you need me to remind you?"

"I remember and as we speak the details of the Hawking family are being sent to me and if we think that something is not right then we can move on but trust me this is the best one we have so far. I will look into every little detail and even how you will meet up with the daughter. Your work will start once you are introduced to the daughter and soon we will take over their company!"

Alex looked at his best friend and thought this through. Daniel was right in a way. If the Hawking family was clear of any mafia ties or anything threatening to their façade then they can easily work on this family to extract a few millions. Of course Daniel was over exaggerating when he said about taking over the company.

All Alex was going to do was win over the daughter and in the pre nuptial agreement have a few shares ,which would of course be worth millions but to the Hawking's a mere number, in his name in case of divorce and then find some reasons to divorce and then sell those shares and walk away with the money.

"It is simple" Alex thought in his head

Little did he know how complicated things were going to get.

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