Chapter Twenty-Six

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Belle watched as Alex tried to shut the door but it was useless as the lock had given out. After a few futile attempts Alex gave up and left the door ajar.

"Belle..."Alex said as he took a step towards her.

"Don't...Alexander leave before I call the cops" Belle tried to steady her shaky voice. She was not at all feeling safe with Alex in this room.

"Just explain all this to me and I will leave" Alex said as he waved his arm around her apartment.

"This is none of your business. Get out!" Belle screamed at him.

"This is very well my damn business. That is my daughter with you and you didn't even inform me of her existence" Alex said in a low voice as grabbed Belle's arm.

Belle gasped at the contact and started to shake.

" me..e" Belle stuttered as she tried to pry his hand of her arm. She couldn't breathe and was gasping for air.

"L...le..leave.."Belle said as she fell to the floor trying to get herself together.

"Belle...breath...please breath...deep breaths." Alex said as he realized Belle was having a panic attack.

After a few minutes Belle was breathing better and had stopped shaking. Alex maintained his distance from her.

"Belle...please talk to me" Alex was worried about her. She seemed so fragile and lost. The image Alex had built of her as a proud and arrogant redhead who broke his heart didn't match this weak black haired woman on her knees in front of him.

"Alexander leave."

"I am not leaving"

"Suit yourself" Belle said as she got up and ran to her room and locked the bedroom door.

Alex stared at the closed door for a few minutes and then turned around. He was going to stay here and talk to her in the morning. He was not going anywhere and he couldn't as well. He had broken the lock of the main door and he couldn't leave both of them like this in this unsafe place. Alex's stomach growled and he made his way towards the kitchen. Alex opened the fridge and saw it was nearly empty except for apple juice which he presumed was for Hazel along with baby food. He rummaged through the cabinets and there was nothing there was well. Alex was shocked. What was going on? She barely had any food in the kitchen. The only items present were baby food.

Alex moved to the dining table and saw two stacks of bills. The first one was from an ER department and had Hazel's name on it.

Alex immediately got worried. He still couldn't believe Hazel was his daughter. Just the thought of it made his body surge with love and affection. Hazel was his flesh and blood. He was amazed he created something so beautiful.

Alex picked up the bill and read through it. Hazel had asthma. Alex was getting restless. It seemed as if this entire place was filled with worries and not an ounce of joy was present.

Alex came back into the living room and went to the washroom which was next to the single bedroom. He washed his face and looked at himself in the mirror.

"You hate her" Alex said to himself

"Damn it." Alex hissed as he realized no matter how much he had made himself believe he hated her but now that he was here next to her, he realized he still loved her. He wanted her back in his life and fix all the issues but first he needed to figure out what was going on and where the hell was Ethan? Did he even know of Belle's current situation?

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