Chapter Twenty-One

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Belle paced the washroom as she looked at the pregnancy test on the counter top. This could not be possible. She had all the symptoms but she could not will herself to believe it.

The timer went off and Belle looked at the three tests she had taken. All three of them were positive. She was pregnant with a Knight baby. She didn't know what to feel. It was so confusing. Here she was on a tropical island for a honeymoon with a man whom she did not love and was now pregnant with another's man's child. She refused to think about him. It brought so much pain to her.

It had been two weeks since their marriage. The marriage was planned hurriedly despite her mother's protests. Belle didn't know what got into her but she went and gave her wedding invite to Alex. His security head had told him that he was recovering. Belle had not gone in. She did not have the strength to go in and see him.

Now here she stood pregnant with his baby. She didn't think of having any babies yet but if things wouldn't have gone the way they did with Alex then she would have been ecstatic. They would have a gotten married and have a family...

"Shut up "Belle mentally chided herself and went out of the washroom to the room where she was halfway through with her packing. Today they were going back from their supposed five day honeymoon. Ethan was out on the beach. They had to share a room as a couple who was the household help was around 24/7 and Ethan and Belle couldn't be suspicious to them. However Ethan did sleep on the couch.

Just as Belle finished zipping up her bag, Ethan walked in and headed towards the washroom.

"The tests..." Belle gasped and dashed towards the washroom but it was too late. Ethan stood there with a shocked expression on his face holding the test.



"It is okay Belle. I am not going to say anything. It is just is Alex's child?"

"Of course"

"You should tell him."

"NO! And promise me Ethan you will not tell him either"

"We are not in contact"

"I do not care. Promise me"

Ethan looked at Belle. She looked so scared and hurt. Ethan stepped forward and hugged her.

"I promise I will not tell him. I will give this child my name if you want" Ethan said before he could think what he just said. Ethan could not do that. He couldn't. It was not fair to Alex. First of all he married his woman and now he just said to take his kid as his own. He had to fix this. This was eating him alive. He didn't know what went wrong with them but he was going to fix it. People don't just fall out of love in a blink of an eye and Alex didn't seem like the person who ran away without a fight.

Ethan felt so helpless; he was stuck with nowhere to go. He sighed and broke the hug with Belle.

"It is okay Belle. We will work this out" He assured her. He couldn't directly talk to Alex because he promised her but he wasn't going to sit around and watch them throw their love away.

Alex had gotten discharged from the hospital three days ago. His legs and shoulder were still stiff and for that he had to go for regular therapy.

Alex grabbed the glass of orange juice as he sat in his balcony, with the wedding invite in his other hand. He had the entire invite memorized by heart by now because that was the number of times he had read it.

Alex stared it as if willing to disappear. He couldn't understand any of this. Did she love Ethan and was just tagging him along?

Ethan and Belle did spend a lot of time together but Alex was okay with it as he knew she loved him and trusted her. Was he wrong in placing his faith in her?

Alex wanted answers from her. Somewhere he felt that this was not right and Belle had a reason to say yes to Ethan. He knew he had hurt her immensely but to just go off and marry another man was not the solution.

"There must be something that made her marry him." Alex muttered as he thought hard.

He couldn't just go and grab her because now she was a wife of another man and he had no right over her and he could not disrespect her like that but this was killing him. Looking at her and Ethan's name on the card was killing him but he needed answers from her and Ethan for the sake of his mental peace.

He wanted to kill that bastard. Ethan knew about Belle and him and yet he still decided to marry her and then there was Daniel. Alex felt numb when he thought about him. He had loved Daniel like his own brother and he was in reality his half brother but Daniel never told him this and betrayed him like this.

The thoughts in Alex's head were overwhelming and he groaned.

"What the hell am I supposed to do!?" Alex yelled as he threw the glass of juice across the balcony. It smashed against the wall and shattered to pieces, the juice splattering everywhere.


"Good going, son. Your marriage is all over the media and it is giving a good impression." George said as he sipped his coffee. He had met up Ethan at a café the day after they had returned from their honeymoon.

"Yeah..." Ethan muttered absent mindededly as he stirred sugar in his tea.

"Look we have the pre nuptial signed and Belle, being the stupid girl she is, signed it without reading because she trusts me so much" George told him as he thought back to the day when he had asked Belle to sign the pre nuptial. She had seemed preoccupied from the past few days before the marriage and George had taken advantage of that. He had asked her to sign it and when she had started to read it, he had told her that he had read it thoroughly and it was all good. He told her to sign it as it was just a formality and Ethan's lawyer had to leave for London and so Belle had signed in haste.

"Okay..." Ethan replied.

"What is wrong?" George noticed that Ethan was preoccupied and not really listening to him.

"We cannot hurt Belle like this. She is pregnant. This all will lead to so much stress..." Ethan said hurriedly. He was worried about Belle. He didn't want to throw anything at her right now.

"What? She is pregnant?!" George looked up at Ethan.

Ethan simply nodded, little did he know what a big mistake he just made by telling George.

"Is it yours?"


"Good. Leave this all to me. I have it all handled. Be ready to sign the company in your name in a few days" George said as he got up and left the café.

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