February 28
I'm back! I hope you liked Felicia, and she wasn't a b*tch! (She knows she's a b*tch, so she won't get offended if I say it.)
While Fel and Lilliana were here, Brienna and I went to Ms. Scarletissa's mansion to hang out. She even has a gate that opens when she drives up. Brienna and I were in the pool swimming (she had a large indoor pool with two jacuzzis) and Mykayla arrived. (We had wanted her to come and spend the weekend with us.) The three of us swam a lot, and then Ms. Scarletissa made us spaghetti for lunch. When we were swimming at night, Ms. Scarletissa showed us something way cool. The water in the pool could change colors! So we really had fun after we discovered that. There was also a big window by the pool and we could see outside into the night. We were high up, too!
The next morning, Saturday, we got up and went swimming again. We really love that pool. Mykayla got a big cart of balls and dumped them all out so we could play Water Dodgeball. We were hitting each other in the head. Then Ms. Scarletissa let us go outside and ride her Go-Karts. We stayed outside on the Go-Karts a long time, and Brienna and Mykayla kind of drove them away and left me behind, but I talked to Ms. Scarletissa. She said there was a fan next door that often came over to use her Go-Karts. I told her I would love to live next to a celebrity (especially one who let me use their Go-Karts whenever I wanted!!).
Ms. Scarletissa made us baked potatoes for dinner, and then guess what we did?! You'll never guess...SWIMMING!! Haha. Brienna went to get in the hot tub, and then she got all excited and told me to go and see if the water in the hot tub changed colors like the big pool. But I walked over to the box and tried to press the right button, and didn't know which button was which! They should really have labels on them. Guess what happened? Mykayla was screaming as soon as I hit the button, because the button I had hit didn't turn on the different colors. It turned on the fire!
Ms. Scarletissa has a fire on the side of her pool that you can turn on, and Mykayla happened to be sitting right next to it when I hit the button. Now imagine how horrible it would've been if she'd been sitting directly on it. She was burnt pretty badly and had a big, black mark on her arm and she went running and screaming to Ms. Scarletissa. Brienna kept telling me to turn the fire off, but I didn't know how, so she had to come and do it for me. We did swim with Mykayla a little later, though, and then Ms. Scarletissa told us to let her handle the buttons herself next time.
This morning, when she took me and Brienna home, the two of us sat in the very back. She's got ten seats in her car! It's a big car. We got home and we were enjoying the sunny day. Some of us went outside. Then later, it was time to drive. I actually got on the interstate like Felicia did, and I was surprised by how calm I was about it. Felicia was right, the interstate is not as bad as I thought.
Brienna was out driving, too.
This week, Mykayla is coming to our school and I hope she doesn't hate me for boiling her in the pool...Also, Ms. Dolly is back. Mrs. Tammy told me this morning that Mrs. Meredith drove up to Lipton and got Ms. Dolly and them away from Joseph, and I don't know what is going to happen when Dolly is at our school tomorrow. Will she still hate us? Will she apologize to us for leaving and taking some of our other friends with her? Who knows.
Xoxo~ M
My Invisible Friends (Imaginary But Real) 3
NonfiksiThis is the third book about me and my imaginary friends. There is tons of drama, so be prepared!! Also, to catch up with us on Twitter, follow me @Imagnary_friend, and my best friend Madeline @dancergurrl93, and some of our other friends, too: @BeL...