02. Fake Blonde Hair

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Pacifica Pines

     "I swear I saw his hand move the slightest bit and he was pointing at Gideon, not me," I said to Robbie, hyperventilating at the fact that... that boy had embarrassed me by not even pointing at me! 

     What's even worse is that I, Pacifica Pines, thought he was pointing at me and looking at me.

     You might be wondering how and when Robbie came here? Wendy had dropped by with Robbie to get her pay-check from Bud. 

     As soon as Robbie entered the shop, I grabbed him and climbed up the ladder, (which we weren't supposed to touch) and sat with him on the ledge, confessing everything.

     "Of course, Gideon being Gideon had happily jumped at the opportunity to be a volunteer. Or to go on the stage where the girl who had winked at him had been. You never know with Gideon," I said, exasperating a sigh.

     Robbie had a finger to his chin and nodded, thinking over the situation. He raked his fingers through his soft black hair and swept it back so I could see his dark brown eyes.

     "Maybe... just maybe... you might like this guy?" said Robbie in a suggestive tone. 

     "First of all, that sounded like a question, and second of all, NO! How could you even think that? I just met the guy, and he embarrassed me!" I said, getting up and stomping over to the ladder and turned around to glare at Robbie.

     I was about to reach the bottom of the ladder when I heard Robbie mutter under his breath, something along the lines of "Love at first sight". 

     "ROBBIE!" I yelled angrily, my hands forming fists.

     "JUST SAYING!" he screamed back, climbing down the ladder and shrugged at me. The door that lead to Bud's office creaked open and out came a gloomy Wendy, with her dark red hair in a tangle underneath her hat.

     "Let's go, Robbie," she said, grabbing him and dragging him to the door.

     "Bye, Paz, hope you get to meet your Psychic Prince," said Robbie in a sing-song voice, winking at me before getting shoved outside by Wendy. My jaw dropped open at his comment, and almost puked.

     I sat down on the plush, comfy red sofa and turned on the TV,  glaring at it while it glared back. I grabbed the remote and started channel surfing. A few seconds later Gideon came happily skipping towards me.

     "Check it out Pacifica! I successfully pazazzled my face!" Gideon said, trying to blink. There were shiny, hard, colorful plastic diamonds all over his pale, round face. 

     I could see a few diamonds fall out as he blinked, while he was grinning painfully. "Blink! Ow," he said, rubbing his eyes.

     "Is that... permanent?" I said in a worried tone.

     "I'm unappreciated in my time," he said, squinting his eyes at me. A doorbell was heard, loud and clear and echoed around the Shack.


     "I'll get it," said Gideon cheerfully, scratching off the plastic diamonds that flew everywhere. 

     "Hey," a feminine voice said. Wait... feminine? Since when did Gideon have a girl friend? And no, not a girlfriend but a friend that is a girl! 

     I immediately rushed towards the door, and looked at the girl that was leaning against the door frame.

     "Mabel? As in, Mabel Gleeful?" I said in an incredulous tone.

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