04. The Gleeful Twins are a Handful!

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Gideon Pines

     "Whoa! The view from your family's factory is nuts!" I exclaimed, putting a hand above my eyes to look at the amazing view in front of me. 

     Both Mabel and I were now on another evening out, or as I'd like to call it 'a date'.

     Ooooh, it makes me feel all tingly inside! I thought dreamily.

     We were sitting on the roof of the red bricked factory, where a large chimney in a shape of a cylinder sat not far from us, blowing clouds of smoke as though it were coughing them out.

     I don't remember how we got up here, it was all a blur because I had been gawking at Mabel. Don't tell her that, though.

    The factory was perched on a small cliff, with a narrow path that lead up to it and the forest in front of it. 

     The view that we were gazing at was the forest, and the sun was setting, red bleeding out of it onto the blue canvas, also known as the sky.

     "Good thing we brought our opera glasses!" we said at the same time. 

     We both held out golden binoculars held by a golden stick. I grinned at her and she did the same. 

     I looked through them and so did she, and I looked at her through them and she did the same. 

     We giggled and our cheeks were flustered. We both looked down at the forest and than she spoke.

     "Gideon, when I'm up here looking down them little old people... I feel like I'm Queen of all I see!" she said, passion dancing like a flame in her brown eyes. 

     "I guess that makes you my King," she said, looking at me and winked.

     "W-what?" I said, laughing as my cheeks tinged pink. 

     I felt as though my face felt like an oven that re-heated itself whenever Mabel was around.

     "You are being so nice to me right now, quit it," I mumbled, embarrassment lacing through my words as I lightly punched her arm. 

     And at that moment, she looked at me, her eyes wide and I looked at her too, my eyes wide too.

     "I can't quit it... I am speaking from the heart," she said softly, taking my hand and holding it up to her face.

    "From the where now?" I asked goofily.

     "Gideon, I've never felt this close with anyone," she confessed, looking at her hands that were now placed in her lap. "So... so close," she whispered, looking up to the now dark sky.

     I was at a loss for words. 

    "W-what about Dipper? A-aren't you  close to him, t-too?" I stuttered with my words, and immediately my face lit up like a flame, burning red.

     "Not anymore," she said, turning to look at me with a small, sad smile. My heart clenched with something incomprehensible. I hated seeing her like this, I wanted it to stop.


     Again. A loss for words. 

Pacifica Pines

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