25. The Dreamy Date

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Pacifica Pines

    It was exactly 7:00, and I felt nerve wracked. My head felt like it was fogged up and I couldn't think straight. There was an idiotic smile that kept breaking out onto my face every time I tried to calm down. My heart was racing fast, thumping and sending adrenalin through my veins.

    I glanced at the clock and it was 7:01. Could he be late? What if he calls it off? Oh my God, it's only been a minute! I'm hyperventilating, I need to calm the poop down!

    Then, a series of light knocks were heard and I immediately got off the couch and straightened up, patting at my shirt and speed walked to the door. I took a deep breath and took off the brilliant smile that threatened to burst.    

     "Hey," I said breathlessly, looking at Dipper from head to toe. He had a black french barrett sitting on his hair, and a black vest on a checkered blue shirt (that wasn't tucked in, for once) and black slacks. Kind of similar to his usual attire, but still hot.

    "Hey, cupcake," he said, nodding towards me and winking. I immediately felt my cheeks burn but quickly disregarded that statement.

    "You're probably doing this to get on my good side so you can get the Journals, you little rascal," I said in a joking tone. He laughed along too, heartily. I was glad he didn't know I actually thought that. I walked outside and closed the door, locking it as I went.

    "So, where are we going?" I asked him, as we walked side by side. Dipper's hand suddenly grasped mine and we kept walking. I glanced sideways and he obviously didn't seem affected by it but it sent warmth through me and tingling sensations that exploded butterflies into my stomach.

    "It's a surprise, sweetheart," he chided.

    "Come on, spit it out, Gleeful."

    "So how was your day?"

    "Stop diverting the conversation," I said, sighing.

    "Did you watch Civil War?"


    "Honey, it's a surprise."

    "Ugh, I hate you."

    "No, you love me, and you're falling for me," said Dipper in a cheeky tone. I saw him grinning at me mischievously with a happy gleam in his eyes. He looked perfect as we walked down the path, with the lamps light on him, and defined every inch of his face.

    "Die," I said, rolling my eyes but my heart was racing furiously fast and I could feel the burning in my cheeks. His face looked like it was sculpted from the best artist, each and everything perfect about him. His luscious dark locks to his chocolate-like eyes.


    "Are we there yet? We've been walking through the forest, for like, ever!" I whined. My heartbeat had slowed down considerably and my cheeks weren't blushing as much. I felt secure around Dipper, safe and sound. His hand was intertwined with my fingers and every few minutes or so he would squeeze them.

    "Paz, I will kiss you senseless if you ask that again," sighed Dipper.

    I wouldn't mind that, I thought cheekily. I immediately shook that out of my head and bit my lip, suddenly feeling very embarrassed. Of who, you may ask? Myself.

    "Alright, we're here," announced Dipper a few minutes later. We stood outside a small library that was a few blocks away from Greasy's Diner. It was a mini restaurant that was built in with a library, and as soon as we entered, the smell of coffee, burgers and fresh bread engulfed my nostrils.

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