27. Stinging Heart

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Pacifica Pines

     After the little talk I had with Acid, I went inside to my room and immediately checked my phone, only to see fifteen unread messages all directed to me. Of course, my heart fluttering with anticipation to see who messaged me, with a certain brown haired misery on my mind while doing so.

Unread Messages (15)

     DevilishlyHandsomeBrownBeauty: Ayy, sweetheart.

     DevilishlyHandsomeBrownBeauty: I wont be able to see you tomorrow, maybe after tomorrow.

     DevilishlyHandsomeBrownBeauty: Kinda busy, sorry, bye!

     As soon as I read those, I couldn't help but feel a burning sensation in my eyes. I blinked and hot tears ran down my face, I immediately wiped them away. I didn't know why I was feeling so emotional... but the sizzling, burning anger that grew in my heart told me otherwise.

      He'd been so brief about it, and it's only been right after our date! He had sent me these messages merely an hour after our date, and I couldn't help but feel my heart squeeze at the thought that he'd been using me and was bored with me.

     I shook my head, and tried to get the horrible thoughts out of my mind. I scrolled down to the other messages, trying hard to forget about Dipper's messages that made my eyes and heart sting with pain.

     Gidsy: PACIFICA PINES!?


     I let loose a dry laugh and kept reading, rubbing my eyes to erase any traces of remaining tears.

     AcidicLove: heyyyy, me mum thinks im gay, help me prove her wrong? xxxx

     AcidicLove: dude, bruh, am feelin' a little off today. buuut you def turned me on ;) xx

     AcidicLove: ayy, d'you have a bandaid? cuz i scraped my knees fallin' for ya ;(

     AcidicLove: you know, your eyes are blue

     AcidicLove: like the ocean, y'know?

     AcidicLove: And baby, i'm lost at sea ;d

     AcidicLove: Okkkk, i should stop otherwise you'll probs lose your hat off and be like "DIPPERS MAH BAE MAH BAE MAH BAE MAH BAE WE LIKE TOGEHHA BUT NOT RELLY"

      AcidicLove: am jokin', don't hurt me pls

      AcidicLove: wana know why I put my numbs in your phone? cause i had a problem wit mah phone, it didn't have yo numbs in it ;-;

     AcidicLove: Annnnyyywaaaas, g'niht dont think to much, or yu'll probs overheat.

     I giggled after reading the messages, finally at peace with my thoughts. If I actually, logically thought about it, Dipper had a summer life, and I had accidentally tumbled into it. Even then, he was nice enough to make time for me. Maybe he's busy with work. I trust him enough to believe that, I thought with a warm smile.

     But then again, you guys aren't really official, are you? A menacing voice at the back of my head snarled.

      Yeah but -

     He hasn't really asked you to be his girlfriend so...

     "UGH! Maybe, I just need sleep..." I sighed, pressing my fingers onto my forehead. After a moment, realization hit me, "Oh great, I'm talking to myself..." I groaned as I hit my head onto the pillow on my bed.


     "Wakey, wakey, Paz! You're going to do my chores today!" chirped Gideon happily, opening up the blinds. It seemed like today was the day to hate on Pacifica, because as soon as he opened the blinds, the sun seemed to glare at me with all its hate and I felt like I was being burned alive.

     "Why'd you wake me up!?" I groaned, squinting my eyes at Gideon and getting out of my bed.

     "Because you came late and well, since you didn't answer my messages nor are you going to explain why you came late, you have to do my chores," said Gideon, swinging the door and swaying his hips.

     "Why... Why would I do your chores?" I asked, sighing as I walked towards my bathroom. I turned the cold handle and glanced back at a shrugging Gideon.

     "Because I covered up for you in front of Dad," he said with an evil smirk. I swallowed and nodded, telling him to get out so I could shower.


     "Heya guys," said Robbie, sitting down with us again for breakfast.

     "Why are you always here?" I asked in an incredulous tone as I shoved down spoonfuls of cereal down my throat.

     "Uh, because I want to? Plus, Bud's letting me. Oh yeah, did Gideon tell you that he's going to go and come back this Saturday? It's what? Wednesday today, yeah? Yeah, so he'll come back by then," nodded Robbie, grabbing my bowl and eating from it.

     "What? Gids, you never told me about this?" I said, narrowing my eyes at a Gideon who was stuffing pancakes in his cheeks. I ignored Robbie eating my food, it was normal.

     "Yeah, but you never told me about what happened last night!" he shot back in a sour tone. I immediately shut after that because he had a point on that.

     "True," murmured Robbie.

      "Be quiet, you're not helping!" I snarled

      "Well, well, someone's got their knickers in a twist!" a voice said behind me. I looked behind me and saw Grendon with a white tank top and black shorts.

      "Grendon? Oh yeah, Gideon you never told me Grendon would be here!" I said. Gideon looked uncomfortable under my gaze and averted his eyes from me. I groaned and got up from the table.

      "I'll see you guys around, when you guys decide to talk," I said, shooting a warning look at Gideon.

      "We'll talk to you when you'll talk!" I heard Gideon scream back as I opened the door to the exit of the Mystery Shack. I closed it with a thud and walked outside, the bitter air biting at my cheeks. I felt my ears burn in embarassement.

      That was until my phone started vibrating in my pocket. I reached back and picked up the phone. The screen was flashing Dipper's name and the picture of me leaning on his chest and him grinning into the camera with a lopsided smirk.

      So now he'll explain. I clicked the green button and waited for him to pick up. That's when I heard lighter breathing.

     "Hello? Who is this?" a nasal voice spit into the phone, way too feminine for Dipper. "Why is your name sweetheart? Dipper, what the hell?" she snarled into the phone.

     "W-what are you doing? Give my phone back! Grenda, give the goddamn phone back, you - " and that's when I hung off the phone and the hot tears slipped down my face and my heart felt like it was being ripped into two.

      What did I do to deserve this?

Published: May 23, 2016 | Reads: 10.5k | Goal: 10.7k

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