12. Dipper Gleeful

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Pacifica Pines

     Suddenly staring at him, after looking around the house, seemed appropriate. At least, that's what I thought. He looked uncomfortable under my gaze, so that made me feel better.  And all of a sudden, I didn't want to know about the Journal anymore.

     It didn't seem of any importance. I could learn about it on my own, anyway.

     "Actually, I'd li - " I began, only to be cut off mid-sentence by the brown haired nuisance.

     "You don't want to know about the Journal, because you think you'll find out about it on your own? Are you dense? Are you that effing stupid?" he snarled. Dipper didn't say 'effing' but the actual word. I inwardly flinched.

     I knew he'd swear one day. (A/N: I didn't think he'd join the dark side with NuclearCookies)

     "Yeah," I said in wavering confidence. I felt my walls crumble.

     "Than what do you want to know about?" he said in a softer tone, a much more tired tone.

     Bipolar much?


     "Why would you want to know about me?" asked Dipper with a slightly annoyed face.

     I just shrugged. I didn't know how to explain it either.

     "And please tell me the truth, 'cause if you don't. I'll find out either way," I warned him. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. He bit his lip and than sighed, and than raked his fingers through his brown, messy hair.

     "I'm a murderer, so is Mabel," he blurted out. I tapped my foot and crossed my arms, waiting. "What? Are you not repulsed by me?"

     "The moment I met you, I felt repulsed," I said, winking at him. A smile tugged at his lips but he pursed them and nodded.

     "The Tent of Telepathy, as you know, is our side-show. We perform magic. Usually."

     "What do you mean, usually?"

     "If we feel bored, we don't. But sometimes, if we're bored... well, we like to mess with our audiences heads," he said, shrugging and casually leaning against the chair. "Sit down, it'll take a while."

     Dipper gestured to the couch and I walked over there and sat on the plump sofa.

     "Anyways," he said, clearing his throat and averting his gaze from me, "I am also known as the 'Lil Tyrone' around here, but I guess you already know that."

     "And you're arrogant?" I offered.

     He gave me a lopsided smirk and said, "Studious too, honey, you forgot that."

     "And you play with magic you can't learn?" I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

     "I guess," admitted Dipper, biting his lip and nodding. My mouth went agape and I look at him in shock.

     "Blondie, I'm only doing this since you're gonna give me the book and you told me not to lie."

     "That's really... unwise and foolish."

     "I know," he flashed me a grin before setting his lips into a grim line. His brown eyes were tired and he had slight bags underneath them, "But when you have a demon scared of you... you tend to get a little.. pompous?"

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