17. Pathetic Insults

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Pacifica Pines

     I woke up with a yawn, and covered my mouth as I yawned. I got out of the bed and stretched my legs. It was weird waking up my bed all safe and sound.

     I just remember that last night Robbie and Gideon had made fun of me and Dipper looked like he had a screw loose in his head.

     "You're a sight for sore eyes," a sarcastic voice said. I whipped my head to see Wendy there. Wendy out of all people. Who hated my gut because I was a little pansy who was like a little kid in her eyes. I'm only fifteen and this is what I get.

     "Thanks," I said, hesitantly. I trudged over to the bathroom, probably looking like a zombie that woke up. 

     I looked in the mirror, my hair represented a birds nest. No surprise there. My cheeks were a blotchy red and my eyes were wide and shining.

     Taking a quick shower and brushing my teeth, I tied my hair into a sloppy bun and put on my pine tree hat. I was about to trudge downstairs when I remember what happened last night.

     "You know what's annoying about you?" whispered Dipper, in a pained voice. It was supposed to be an insult, but it seems that when he touched my cheek the faintest bit, I knew something was wrong. He put a sleeping spell on me and everything was drifting away.

The trees in the background were growing darker, but the noises were growing fainter, and the only thing I could see was Dipper, with a pained and hurt face that rippled across his handsome features.

"Is that you're a flame," he whispered, as his strong arms wrapped around my waist as he held me in a secure grip and his eyes glowed an icy blue. Everything went dark then, and deep sleep enveloped me in a warm, cozy blanket.

     Yup, he needs to go into a mental hospital and seek immediate help, I confirmed in my head as I walked to the kitchen.

     Comparing me to fire? I thought, scoffing. The next time he's here, I'll call him a carebear or something.

     "I know right! I totally told Paz that, but she didn't listen to me! I mean, can you believe that my girlfriend was a pile of gnomes?" guffawed a giddy Gideon. 

     He was wearing a creased blue shirt and white pants with a brilliant grin on his chubby, pale face which was flushed red.

     "How can she be so stupid?" giggled Robbie, who was red faced as he put his fist into his mouth to prevent from laughing even more.

     "Because she's blonde!" blurted Dipper and they all burst out into a terrible fit of giggles.

     "Yeah yeah, I'm a dumb blonde and you're a carebear," I grumbled under my breath, grabbing the plate of warm pancakes that was in front of Dipper. It wasn't eaten, and I was too lazy to actually make anything.

     Really, Paz, carebear? Those things are cute...

    Unless you're calling Dipper Gleeful cute...

    Which he is but..


     Great, I'm having a conversation with myself.

     "Hey! Paz, that was rude! It was Dipper's," said Gideon in an accusatory tone as he pointed at me.

     "He is a guest," murmured Robbie, averting his eyes from my gaze.

     Great, he's got them wrapped around his finger.

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