29. Chaos To My Thoughts

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Pacifica Pines

      It's been a month now, and I guess I'm better. And it's all thanks to Robbie, Gideon, Grendon and mostly Acid. They've been lovely, avoiding me when I was in a fury of anger that blinded me. Acid had three more little hangouts of which we were sitting and watching movies and crying and shoving ice cream and trying not to get sick.

      Dipper got the message when Acid told him to back off and that he needed to let me 'calm down' apparently. Which I did the total opposite to Acid. I blew my head off after that, screaming and shouting at Acid. But Acid being the lovely good friend he is, he put up with it, and that brought a smile to my face.

     But sometimes he'd be hanging out with different girls every week, in the mall that is. 

     "Paz, get out of your day dream and go out with me," said Acid in a joking tone. I glanced at him sideways and saw him in a totally different light. His black hair was in a quiff and shaved at the sides, and his eyes were a dark stormy grey and his high cheekbones accentuated his sharp, angled face.

     "Okay, when?" I said out of the blue, deciding I should just wing it and let go of Dipper. Although my heart immediately lurched out of my throat when I said it.

     "W-what?" Acid croaked, choking on a piece of popcorn. (A/N: Some of you are legit waiting for him to choke and die, aren't ya? WELL LOL NOPE!) He whipped his head around once he swallowed it and looked at me with worried eyes. "Are you okay?"

     "I'm great, thank you, now go out with me before I change my mind," I snapped at him.

     "Alright then, uh, tomorrow at 9, yeah?" he said, getting up and brushing his pants. He got up, and rubbed the back of his neck. I averted my eyes to the TV, because my mind was screaming Acid, and my heart was crying Dipper. I felt torn apart because Dipper was something completely out of the world, but he caused me heartache and Acid was a great friend.

     And that's when I decided I should give Acid a chance.

     "Uh - yeah," I nodded and swallowed. I heard him leave and I slumped against the cough, the room dark with the only light was the glaring television that had the movie playing.


     I slept the whole day and it was 8 now and Acid would pick me up at 9. I quickly scrambled out of bed and took the quickest shower in the history of showers and lunged onto my bed to get my clothes. I dressed in a pair of skinny jeans and a red shirt with a black jacket over it. I tied my hair into a sloppy, messy bun with my bangs appearing at the front.

     I check the time and it was 8:50, and I thought I might as well put some effort. I applied some quick mascara and a tiny bit of winged eyeliner and rushed out of my room, grabbing a bag with my phone and wallet in it. I wrote a small note saying I'd be back at home at 11 at the latest and ran out of the house only to see Acid with a lollipop again, leaning against his bike.

     He was wearing a leather jacket, which looked beaten up, and a black shirt underneath it with black jeans and black converse. His hair was up in a quiff and his eyes looked steady and dangerous, with his stormy grey eyes flashing as he looked up at me with a slight smirk.

     "No cigarette?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as I straightened my pants and shirt. "And what's this?" I asked, nodding at his bike. It was a shiny black with silver lining.

     "Eh, I keep my deals," he said shrugging, his lollipop hanging from his lips. "Are you sure, though, Pacifica? I don't want you and Dipper to break up, I really supported you guys. This could be a friendly hangout, y'know? Doesn't have to be a date," he said, looking at me with cautious eyes.

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