11. Not what he seems

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Pacifica Pines

     I didn't think he'd say 'alright' and hold out the door for me, tiredly that is. He was still rubbing half of his face, as though he wanted to rub the sleep that was remaining too.

     I didn't think I'd find his half annoyed and half exhausted face gorgeous, neither did I think that I'd find his house cozy, even if it looked like someone messed it up. There were clothes on the ground, there were books open and some ripped apart, a table was flipped over, and a cozy couch sat at the end of the caravan.

     There was a medium sized dark wooden desk not too far away from the couch, a reaching distance. A small dusty lamp sat on the desk and a few papers with scribbled writing on them. Above that was a pin board, with (surprisingly) two pictures which were; Mabel and Dipper laughing.

     The second was me. In the woods. And I looked like I was suppressing my smile, on the edge of laughter. Dipper quickly stood in front of the desk and leaned against the crooked chair, covering everything. There was a faint blush on his cheeks.

     I wonder why he took that, when he took that, and how he took that. I guess some things, you just don't know.

     No, it couldn't be. Dipper Gleeful. Does. Not. Blush. I averted my gaze from his face to scanning his whole body. I wouldn't call it 'checking out' like Dipper does, though.

     His hair was disheveled, and so were his clothes. His eyes had a wild gleam to them. He was wearing mismatched socks, one blue and one yellow with little triangles on them.

     I didn't think I'd find him good, even after what he's done to me. 

     I guess everyone still has a little good in them, even after a little bit of everything.

◄ Dipper Gleeful ►     

     As soon as I let her in, I knew it was a mistake. She did a once over of my room and I immediately looked where she was lingering her eyesight on. My desk. The two photos.

     Oh, crud.

     I swiftly walked in front of the desk, and crossed my arms and leaned against the chair, hoping to block everything. I didn't even know why I had the picture, but nor did I know why I was going to trust her and tell her everything about the Journal(s).

     I guess it's part of her charm; the floppy blonde bun that sat on her head, her wide blue curious eyes that twinkled nevertheless, and her pouty little dark pink lips. I guess it is part of her charm.

     I'd never admit that to her, though.

     Telling her all the secrets might destroy me, but I guess I'd do that. I guess I want her to know the secrets too. So I'm not the only one who has to grovel under the weight.

     Making this devious plan was all mine, from the start. From the Mabel&Gideon to now. I guess I really just wanted to destroy Gideon, but then I saw Mabel happier than before. But then I heard Grunkle talking about a ring. Hand in marriage.

     I guess I didn't know how to react, so the first place I went was to Pines. 

     She seems to always know what to do, doesn't she? I thought bitterly.

     I told her we need to break this relationship, and I guess I broke both Mabel and Gideon, and maybe a little bit of Paz, too. Maybe myself too. But it was for the best. At least, that's what I think.

     I also didn't know why I didn't kill her or at least try to the moment I met her. I didn't know why I took the time out of my precious life to annoy her and irk her to no end. I guess you do these things when you're hopelessly in love.

Published: Apr 02, 2016 | Reads: 1.3k | Goal: 1.5k



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