20. The Party

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Pacifica Pines

     Turned out my plan went to complete waste as soon as Bud came giddily smiling into breakfast. He happily informed us that we were going to be helping him set up the massive room (that was empty and we never used) and turn it into some party.

     Well, there goes my brilliantly made plan.

     Robbie immediately loved the idea, and Gideon being the follower nodded along too. Deuce works here, so he was paid to say yes. However, I had an opinion. An opinion Bud had completely ignored when I said I was busy.

     "Unless you want me to call up your snobby parents and tell about this little problem, you'd shut the skunk up and follow and help me get some bucks, eh, kid?" he snottily replied.

     Don't get me wrong, I love Bud but sometimes he went overboard. Okay, maybe all the time.

     "Alright, alright," I grumbled in a foul tone.


     "Oh no, Gideon, I - I don't feel so good," said Robbie, clutching his stomach, with his face scrunched up. Gideon tried to suppress a smile, but failed and full out grinned. I watch them, blowing a balloon with the blankest face ever.

     "I - I - Blargh!" he said, spraying stuff out of his mouth. It was obvious he had the can to his side of his head and he was trying to fake vomit.

     All of it spraying onto Gideon, and he faked disgust.

    "Ewww, Dad, what'd you feed us!?" cried Gideon, doing the same as Robbie and making the derpiest face.

     This kept on going for five solid minutes. Until both Wendy joined and eventually I did. We were in a mess, with the silly string all over our heads and us a giggling catastrophe.

     "Alright, alright," said Bud with a slightly annoyed face. He gathered all the cans and held them to his chest. "These things don't just come for free, okay? Party supplies are now off limits!"

     "Mr. Pines, who's birthday is it that we're celebrating for...?" said Deuce, climbing off the ladder once he was done tying the knot to the banner.

     "Nobody's," said Bud, and barked out a laugh after that, "This'd be a good way to get some cash in from naive little kids who'd like to... what do you kids call it nowadays? Party? No, no... Part-ay!" said Bud, rubbing his hands together.

     "Please don't ever say that again," muttered Robbie under his breath, one hand rubbing his face and the other tightly gripped around Wendy's hand.

     Wendy's hand.

     "Woah, woah, woah! Wait up! When did this happen?" I said, pointing at their intertwined hands. Robbie didn't even pull back and blush like I expected him to, but snaked his arm around Wendy's waist and brought her closer.

     "We're together, now, if you're too blind to see that," he said, smirking and wrapping his hands around her waist and putting his chin on her shoulder. Wendy was showing more emotion than she ever did in front of me.

     "Robbie, this is PDA," she muttered, averting her gaze and blushing.


     I left the lovesick couple at that before everything got even more heated. But as soon as I took a step away, Bud grabbed my shoulder and dragged me back. Did I mention I was still on my bloody wave? No? Well, I am!

     "What?" I accidentally snarled at Bud.

     "I need you to copy these and stick them around everywhere and fix that attitude of yours," he said, patting my shoulder and shoving a bunch of papers and a poster in my face.

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