07. Grief-stricken Veins

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Pacifica Pines

     "I'm home!" yelled Gideon, happily. I heard footsteps approaching the basement and my heart thundered against my ribcage. I could feel the guilt shooting through me every step Gideon took.

     "Guess what, Paz!" he said dreamily as he opened the door and leaned on it, while sighing in contempt.

     "What?" I said, nervously holding the Journal. I wrung my hands together, feeling the slight sweat. I quickly rubbed my hands against my pants and stood up.

     "She asked me out on another date!" mumbled Gideon in pure bliss. His blue eyes were shining with happiness and pleasure.

     "S-she did?" I choked on my own spit when I heard that. 

     How do I make the plan work now? I thought, panic crawling up my back.

     "Now, I'm going to go take a shower," he said in a pleasant tone, but his face scrunched up when he lifted his arm and smelt himself.

     "Okay," I said in a small voice, and gave him a tight smile. He doesn't need to know how nervous, worried and panicked I am right now.

     He shut the door with a 'thud' as he left. The silence enveloped me in an uninvited hug. I felt like a nervous wreck, and I didn't know what to do.

     How do I even make the plan work? How do I even do this anymore? Should I do it?

      In the midst of my internal rant, I heard a 'Ping!'.

     It's my phone, I thought in a rush.

     DevilishlyHandsomeBrownBeauty: How's the plan going, blondie?

     PazPaz: What the heck did you name yourself? Now you acknowledge I'm a REAL blonde and not a fake one. And it's going horrible, for your information.

     DevilishlyHandsomeBrownBeauty: I AM a devilishly handsome brown beauty so, why not? And, you probably have dyed your hair so much you look like a flipping neon beach ball with your expanded cheeks and everything. Anyways, I already expected something like this to happen. I'll come over and tell him. I'll be there in 5, k?


     My fingers flew across my phone's keyboard as I angrily typed. I looked at the message as it was being sent and realized my mistake. I had been in such a blind rage I spelt my sentence, and it was so very illiterate.

     DevilishlyHandsomeBrownBeauty: Sorry, I don't understand fake people language.

     That little maggot! I hate him so much!

     I angrily stomped my way upstairs and opened the door with rage. There stood Satan in all his glory. He was sporting a lopsided smirk and a little gleam in his eyes. I heard footsteps behind me and in an instant Dipper's expression changed.

     A serious look corrupted his face as he looked down. At Gideon.

     "Oh, it's just your boyfriend," said Gideon, shrugging nonchalantly. He was about to turn around but Dipper stretched his hand out and set it on his shoulder.

     "He's not my boyfriend."

     "She's not my girlfriend."

     We said that simultaneously. I looked at him weirdly as he glanced at me and frowned. Gideon raised his eyes brows and let out a suspicious 'mhm'.

     "Gideon, I need to talk to you," said Dipper in a monotone and serious voice. His dark eyebrows were furrowed together and his lips were pursed in a grim line.

     "Okay?" said Gideon, raising an eyebrow and lead Dipper to the kitchen. I was about to follow them but the door was slammed in my face.

     As much as I tried, I could not hear anything. Only a few hushed whispers and angry shouting. That's all. Nothing else. Everything else they talked about was mixed together and I couldn't comprehend it.

     "Argh!" I hated not being able to listen to anything. I clenched my fists together and angrily turned around and sat on the wooden chair that was beside the door. I cupped my face in my hands and blew air out of my mouth furiously.

    Suddenly the door to the kitchen was let open. Dipper came out silently and a sad, grief-stricken Gideon followed. His usually pale face was now flushed red and his hair was out of place, strands sticking out in the strangest of places.

     "I need to go," murmured Dipper as he checked his phone and put it back in his pocket. He swiftly turned around and exited the Mystery Shack.

     "Is... is it true?" whispered Gideon in a tiny voice, and it broke in the end. His blue eyes were brimming with tears, and they were bloodshot red.

     "Y-yes," I quietly said, averting my eyes and looking at my shoes. I hated lying to him and this was horrible.

     "I thought w-we had s-something special. M-me and M-mabel," sobbed Gideon. I felt like my heart was being forced to be ripped apart and shredded into little pieces. This was all because of me. I walked forward and hugged Gideon.

     He kept heaving sobs and crying silently. I felt as though the guilt was overdosing through my veins and now 70% was guilt. I felt shame envelope me in a cold hug, and I quietly sighed.


      I lay on my bed, breathing slowly, with my face towards the ceiling. I felt so heartless, and so shameless. My heart was beating slowly, and it felt like the guilt was pulling strings that were connected to my heart.

     I heard a 'Ping!' and I grabbed my phone that was on the side table and squinted at it.

     DevilishlyHandsomeBrownBeauty: Still not asleep? Tsk tsk tsk.

     PazPaz: What about you, maggot?

     DevilishlyHandsomeBrownBeauty: Don't worry about your brother, btw. Same thing is going on here.

     PazPaz: He's not my brother aND SO SHE DID LIKE HIM?

     DevilishlyHandsomeBrownBeauty: Whatever. And. She did, indeed.

     PazPaz: Then why did we break them up?

     DevilishlyHandsomeBrownBeauty: You don't need to know. Now go to sleep, rapunzel.

      PazPaz: I need to know! And I don't have long hair, but yes I am blonde. And one question, Gleeful.

     DevilishlyHandsomeBrownBeauty: What is it, Pines?

     PazPaz: How did you get my number?

Published: Mar 29, 2016 | Reads: 600 | Goal: 700

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