05. Unwanted Customer

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Pacifica Pines

     I was sitting on the small wooden barrel that was next to the cash register where a gloomy Wendy was scrolling through her phone, muttering offensive comments towards anything living.

     The large 'No Refund' sign was sitting on the wooden desk, glaring at any customer, daring them to say no to it. 

     Deuce was sweeping the floor with his broom, his shiny bald head glistening underneath the artificial light that bounced everywhere, radiating its light but not heat.

     We heard the door open, a small 'Ting!' from the bell followed it. I turned my head only to see a grinning Robbie.

     He was grinning ear from ear, his dark hair which usually was hanging in front of his eyes was now swept by a black hairband that blended in his hair.

     I could see his slight cheekbone outlines because of the shadow they cast below under the light.

     His dark eyes glistened with mischief and playfulness as he grinned at me. His pale skin looked tan in the sunlight as he walked towards Wendy. He shot her a playful grin which she only glared back in return.

     "Nice to see you too, dear," he said, grinning widely to Wendy and gave her a quick nod. 

     Then he looked at me, "I heard... that there's a... deal going on," he said, giggling. He quickly put his fist into his mouth, preventing from laughing any further as I glared daggers at him.

     I remember vividly what had happened last night. The deal went downhill from the moment I had sat down. 

     I screamed until all of them got out, and it worked in no less than five minutes. 

     Pretty proud of myself.

     "Anyways, just wanted to drop by. D'you guys need anything?" he said, taking out a pair of keys that jingled in the air as he nodded towards Wendy.

     "No," Deuce and I chorused. We watched gloomy Wendy walk with Robbie trailing behind towards the door. The door close with a soft 'thud' behind them.

     Just then, a door was opened with a 'click' and a fuming Bud came in our view.

     "Hey! Hey, what the jackel is Gideon doing in the paper with the sneaky Gleeful twins?" he grumbled, shoving a newspaper into my face.

     I looked at the newspaper, skimming through all the paragraphs until my eyes landed on the picture. It was Mabel Gleeful strolling confidently, hand in hand with Gideon who had a hand covering his eyes (probably from the flashes of cameras) and fuming a brilliant scarlet.

     "Oh yeah, it's like a big deal. Everybody's talkin' 'bout Mabel and Gideon's date tonight," Deuce piped out, he had stopped cleaning the floor with the broom and had taken out his phone and scrolled through it.

     "What!? That little -" gasped Bud. He snatched the newspaper back from me, and looked at in disbelief.

     "I thought... last night's deal was on their relationship," I said, narrowing my eyes at Bud.

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