13. Grocery Store Trip

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Pacifica Pines

     "Pacifica, Gideon, Deuce, Wendy and Robbie... Robbie! Take those headphones off, and listen to me, you bloody skunk," yelled Bud, wagging a finger at Robbie who was rocking his head to the music he was listening to.

     "Yeah?" asked Robbie, cluelessly as he took off one earbud and looked at us with an eyebrow raised.

     I had woken up this morning to a Bud banging on my door and yelling both Gideon and I to get up. I woke up and dragged myself to the bathroom to freshen up, only to finally realize yesterday's events.

      I had gone downstairs with a red, embarrassed face and ate my breakfast quietly. Which raised quite an uproar because I'm usually the one who's groaning and complaining every morning, and I keep yapping and I can't keep my mouth shut.

      And it's worse that I had a flustered face.

      "I need you, Wendy and Deuce to take care of the Shack. I'm going to go somewhere, and we need groceries! So, Gideon and Pacifica will be going to the big mall, which is just a walking distance from here, so go get the..." 

     Bud glanced at the list he had, and than rubbed his chin, "Milk, juice and... ehh.... and the bread. Yes, the yellow bread, okay? It has a yellow packaging, alright?"

     Everyone muttered a 'yessir' and both Gideon and I marched out, with my phone and wallet in hand. Gideon glanced at me and raised a pale eyebrow.

     "You alright, Paz? You look like you're burning up," he said, stopping to put a hand on my forehead. "Man, you're warm, are you sure you want to come? We can stay back," he murmured, furrowing his eyebrows.

     "Nah, I'm fine," I said, shaking my head, patting my cheeks to make them colder. I walked on, with Gideon behind me.

     Soft, warm lips.

     Brown hair.

     Dark eyes.

     Argh! Forget him! He probably won't even care if you're alive! He's a murderer, a cocky one!

     "Hey, Paz, we're here! Watch out, you might hit that pole!" cried Gideon, as I was about to walk into the pole he was talking about.

     "Oh God, he's taking up most of my mind, I have to get him off of my - IS THAT FREE FOOD?" I muttered angrily, massaging my forehead only to widen my eyes at the free food stall that was giving out samples.

     We got inside and I immediately went to the stall, like a fly attracted to a light. The guy giving them out was really... attractive.

     He had red hair that was up in a quiff, and his eyes were a stormy grey, and he had bushy eyebrows that were sort of defined. Instead of asking him for a sample for Gideon and I, I had to blurt my loud mouth.

     "Do you get your eyebrows done?"

     The guy, who looked my age, turned around and raised an eyebrow, grinning at me. 

     "Yeah," he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

      "Oh, cool," I said, swallowing and nodding my head. I was about to say something when an arm snaked around my waist and tingles exploded at my waist. I whipped my head to the right, about to blow up at the person.

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