09. The Journal

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Pacifica Pines

     "What the heck are you doing in my room!?" I yelled at him, quickly looking around something near me to hit him. I grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it at him. 

     Dipper quickly rolled out of the bed and fell onto the floor.

     "You disgusting rat!" I shouted, ripping my shoes off and throwing it at him with murderous intent.

     "Slow down, sweetheart!" he chuckled, while dodging the shoes.

     "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" I screamed, grabbing the Journal and fired it at his face. He caught it with ease and gave a lopsided smirk.

     "Thanks, sugar," grinned Dipper. He turned around and swiftly opened the window and jumped out of it. I quickly ran towards the window only to see him giving me a blindingly white smile and running into the woods.

     "Aargh!?!" I groaned, grabbing the sides of my head and massaging my temples.


     "What're you doing in those... wanna-be-robber clothes?" asked Robbie, who was attending the store as it was his shift. He cringed as he did a once-over and raised an eyebrow.

     "I'm not a wanna-be, I just am," I said, gritting my teeth. I was wearing a black sleeved shirt with black tights and a black beanie. I had smeared black paint underneath my eyes to add effect.

     "It's not even night right now, your costume won't even work."

     "It will," I insisted.

     "Whatever you say... So, where are you going? To sneak out with your boyfriend, Dipper Gleeful? But you see... your plan is flawed. It's not even the middle of the night so, I could teach you some tips on how to sneak out without anyone knowing," said Robbie in a suggestive tone. 

     "What?" I said, my jaw dropping to the floor as I looked at him incredulously. His dark hair was swept into the tiniest man bun possible on earth. His gaze as intense and his eyes gleamed mischievously.

     "I'm just saying," he said, shrugging nonchalantly. "I mean, you are going on a rendezvous with Dipper Gleeful, right?" said Robbie as he turned around to start folding the clothes.

     "No! I'm just trying to steal back what's rightfully mine," I said in an exasperated tone.

     "Your kiss?"


     "Did he kiss you and leave you and now you think you want to take it back?" he said in an accusatory tone.

     "What the -" I groaned, "No! No! No! I can't handle this anymore, I'm out!" I yelled, grabbing the door forcefully and shutting it close behind me.

     I let out a sigh in relief and began walking towards the Tent of Telepathy. 

     Why was I going there? He could not be there, y'know. Why did I feel like he would be there, waiting for me to come and grab the Journal back? 

     Sometimes, I never know. 


     I was well into the woods now, the daunting trees tall and dark. Not handsome, though. The light breeze fluttered by, grazing my face like icy cold cones. 

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