30. Falling For You

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Pacifica Pines

     Running, pumping my legs with my heart racing in my chest, threatening to lurch out of my throat. I felt a rush of panic and adrenalin as I ran and ran as fast as I could. The panic seeped through me, worrying thoughts poking at me and adrenalin shooting through my veins, making me feel unstoppable. The trees were blurred as I ran down the pavement, nearing the bus station. 

     I quickly took out my wallet and grabbed a wad of cash and waited a second to catch my breath as I waited on the sideway for the bus. I heaved and panted, and put both of my hands on my knees, breathing in and out the cold, bitter air. Little pitter patter was heard around me and I looked up, and saw trickles of rain falling down.

     I heard the screech of tires and the stop of a bus and I ran as quick as I could inside, trying not to get wet. I looked at the tired bus driver, grey prickly hair at his chin as he thanked me as I gave him the money, he gestured for me to sit down. I walked and sat at the end of the empty bus, hearing the droplets of water hitting the ceiling of the bus.

     It was continuous rain, with light thunder heard softly in the background. The calming silence in the bus did nothing but make my heart thunder even more, anxiety ripping through my heart and shredding my very being to bits. I felt even more restless as I breathed heavily, my eyes nervously flitting everywhere.

     Worrying thoughts flashed through my mind like a bright green light, and I absolutely hated it. My toes curled in nervousness and I felt my fingers dig into the palm of my hand as I made my hand a fist. I felt tears blur my vision, and I took a deep breath. It's just Dipper, and I just have to say sorry, nothing to get emotional about, Paz! Get a grip of yourself!

      But isn't this how you're supposed to feel when you know you're falling hard for someone?

     I shook my head and massaged my forehead, feeling uneasiness coldly grip me from the neck and squeeze me. I heard the bus stop and I ran out of the bus and almost tripped when I got out. I yelled a thank you to the bus driver and ran as fast as I could, the rain flooding down on me, leaving me drenching wet when I came nearer the Tent of Telepathy.

     It looked worn down and tired, with its usual bright lights shut and the rain heavily drowning it. It looked like it was sadly looking down at me, warning me from something. I heard people talking, and immediately took it as though Dipper was going to be there. I ran again, my heart at my sleeve and my nerves a wreck.

     I felt my mascara slide further down my face and hang at my chin. I wiped it, only to have rain drip at my face. I felt sweaty, soaked and tired. Both emotionally and physically. So much running, and so much emotional stress just from one misunderstanding. I'd get this right and we'd be happy again, both Dipper and I.

     That was until I kept walking in a fast pace and stopped only to see Dipper turned his face, one hand on a girls cheek and the other wrapped around her waist. His hand was caressing her cheek and he tilted his head, his lips moving against hers. He looked ferocious, and hungry, snogging the heck out of that girl. The girl was as tall as him, but more bulky then him. She had both her gorilla-like arms around his neck.

     "Dipper?" I quietly said, walking to them until I was behind them. Dipper immediately pushed the girl off of him, and she fell to the muddy ground. She wiped her lips and had bloodshot eyes. It was a girl with bulky arms and broad shoulders, and mouse brown hair that stuck to her face because of the pouring rain. 

     She quickly got up, her eyes blurring up again and turned around and ran. I heard her sobs as she ran. I whipped my head back at Dipper, who looked gorgeous as ever. The rain made him look like a broken angel, the pale moons light casting a halo like look on him. His hair was wet but looked soft as always. His eyes were an indigo, and his pale skin that glowed underneath the moon.

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