10. Manipulative Jerk

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Pacifica Pines

     "Hey, um... would you look at the time? I gotta run. Wendy's going to kill me," said Robbie in a nervous tone as he glanced down at his watch on his wrist. 

     He quickly glanced at me and panic bloomed on his features.

     "Paz, we can't stay long so Robbie and I are going to go meet Wendy somewhere," rambled Gideon as he grabbed Robbie's hand and fled to the door.

     The door shut with a quiet 'thud'. I glared at the mop of brown hair until it turned around. His face held an irritated scowl.

     "Why do you always have to ruin everything," he drawled out, leaning lazily against the cashier counter.

     "I don't. You do," I said in a clipped tone.

     "Why were you hanging out with Gideon and Robbie? Trying to get on their good sides so when you attack, nobody will ever suspect you?" I said sarcastically, hoping it wasn't true.

     "Wow, I thought you were dumb, with the blonde hair and everything but it seems you catch on fast," he said, surprise evident on his face as he winked at me.

      It registered then into my brain that he had already tried to get on Gideon's good side by introducing Mabel. 

     He got on Robbie's good side by talking to him and probably making him laugh. He already got on Bud's side because he offered the deal. Now the only person he has to get a good side on is me.

      It was all making sense now.

     "You manipulative jerk," I muttered hoarsely, tears pricking at my eyes. I looked down at my shoes, not allowing myself to cry in front of him.

     I looked back up, the tears blurring half of my view. "You big, lying oaf!"

      "Oh, did you think that I was being nice to you because I wanted to?" he scoffed, and smirked at me coldly. 

     "Honey, it was because I needed my plan to work, and y'see..." he glanced down to his watch, "It has already started and you helped me."

      "And how did I help you?"

      "You talk about me so much at your house, that sometimes... the best of me comes sprouting from your mouth," he said, winking at me and swaggered over to the door.

       Dipper clutched the handle before shooting me a tight smile.

      "I could tell on you, you know," I said, it was a weak attempt.

      "Oh, sweetheart, you won't even utter a single word about this," he said, grinning evilly at me before leaving. 

      That was when I let one single tear fall but I quickly wiped it. What he said was true, but I ignored it.

      A plan started formulating in my head. 

     He wanted the book, so he'd get it.


      I had already heard about the rumors of the Gleeful twins but since one particular one had been snatching away my time, I hadn't been able to fully register all of them.

     "They're amazing, have you seen their show?"

      "She's so pretty!"

      Some were really positive feedback, mainly on the looks of the twins and the magnificent show. Than, there were the bad.

      "They're evil!"

      "They tried killing my son! Never am I going back in there!?"

        There were the rumors that floated in the air that they had murdered, especially ones concerning Dipper but not Mabel. It seemed like a coin, these rumors, I mean.

     On one side they were praising Mabel's looks and the show and the other side which were the ones that were like hushed whispers that said Dipper was a murderer and that you shouldn't go in the woods at night, because he'd be there.

     I guess, I didn't know what to think because sometimes, nothing ever says the truth. So I decided to find out on my own. 

      Only to know that Mabel is a huge flirt and Dipper is an annoying, manipulative big oaf that steals books.


     I knocked hesitantly on the door to the caravan which was dark blue and the paint was rolling off of it likes curled up petals that were dying. 

      The Tent of Telepathy was closed on Sundays, and I had ran here the moment I heard that.

     I had grilled Gideon and Robbie with questions, like if they were okay with Dipper being around, with the rumors and all and what I got was this:

     "Why do you care, Paz?"

     "Are you trying to get permission to date Gleeful?"

      I had immediately hit Robbie for that, and than I had told them that if they liked him and they kind of muttered 'Yes'. 

     My heart had sunk deep down, because the plan was working and Dipper was a manipulative little midget who knew how to get his way.

     I needed to make my own plan work to make sure Dipper's didn't. So, now here I was, waiting for the door to open and me to try to make this plan start rolling.

     The door opened suddenly and a messy haired Dipper with an annoyed face came out. 

     His usually crisp clean shirt that was usually tucked in was now creased and half of it was out and not tucked in. His pants were weird too, with one rolled up to his calf and the other let loose.

     His face was the definition of irritation, as though somebody disturbed his beauty sleep. AKA, me.

      "What the hell do you want?" he sneered.

     "I want to give you the book," I said, shoving the book in his face. I still kept it in my hands but I showed it to him. 

     He made a lunge for it but I stepped back and looked at him with an intense gaze, "But for a price."


      "Tell me why you want the book; the reasons, like, for example, why does this book contain things like.." I opened the book and flipped open to the page of the ghosts, "this."

     Dipper looked at me for a moment, his eyes tired but calculating. I felt uncomfortable in his gaze as he thought about his decision.

     I didn't get why he had to think about it, he could easily say no. I knew he'd say no. But I was surprised when he said the next few words.

     "Will it make you go away?" he said in a tired tone. He rubbed his eyes with his hand.  One hand was supporting him as he leaned against the doorway.



Published: Apr 02, 2016 | Reads: 1k | Goal: 1.3k

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