23. Phases and Happy Highs

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Pacifica Pines

     I woke up to Gideon's loud, booming music that was echoing right across the whole Shack. I swear I could've heard Bud scream to shut it, and Gideon reply a very nasty word back. But I guess it was just me day dreaming. Or not.

     The next five minutes were even more torture, because I heard Bud leave the Shack saying he had business to do, and slamming the door shut with a huff. I also heard footsteps (because of the wood that creaked and literally told everyone in the house who was leaving) and more door closes.

     The music remained. A minute passed and my tolerance level evaporated into thin air. I grabbed a robe and flimsily tied it on to myself and angrily stomped my way upstairs in a furious rage.

     "Gideon Pines! You shut this racket this instance!" I hollered, opening the door with a surprisingly good grip and closed my eyes shut. My hand immediately went up to caress my forehead, and that only was when I realized I sounded like an old grandma.

     "Ugh, oh my God!" yelled Gideon, rushing over to pause the music on the little black boom box on his desk in the cramped attic. "Pacifica, I'm going through a phase, let me be!" he whined.

     "What?" I asked in an incredulous tone.

     "Ugh, I'm a growing boy, I go through phases, duh!" he hissed at me, raking his chubby little fingers through his white hair. Shockingly enough, he had eyeliner underneath his eyes and a black baggy shirt with tight black pants underneath, and black rings and bracelets. 

     Just imagine the stereotypical emo except with white hair.

     "What the heck, Gideon?" I glared at him, wrapping the robe around me tighter.

     "No one understands me! Oh my God!"


     Turns out Gideon was just doing that the whole morning and not at breakfast because as soon as I went downstairs, he was back and normal. My God, hormones does things you don't even want to indulge into.

     "So, no emo?" I asked, shoving spoonfuls of cereal down my throat. My hair was in sloppy bun, and my cheeks were tinged bright red, and my eyes were wide in happiness because of today. Minus the torturous morning.

     "Nah, it was just a phase," he said, shrugging his shoulder as he dug into his pancakes.

     "Usually phases take place for a month," I muttered quietly, chewing on the Cornflakes. The door to the kitchen opened and Robbie sat down with a soft 'thud'.

     "So, I heard someone had a phase," grinned Robbie, grabbing a bowl on the table and filling it with milk and cereal.

     "For half a second," I whispered, trying to make sure Gideon didn't hear. And I succeeded because he was so into his pancakes he looked like a bulldozer just shoving them down his throat and pleasure dancing in his eyes from the sweet sweet pancakes.

     "Ha!" barked out Robbie in laughter as he grinned and ate his cereal. I finished up and put the bowl into the dishwasher. I washed my hands and dried them, and I was about to leave upstairs to hyperventilate about 'the date' but then Robbie called out to me.

     "So, how's it going, Paz?" drawled out Robbie with a mischievous smirk.

     "What do you mean?" I asked cautiously.

     "The date, genius," said Robbie, softly putting the bowl into the sink and flicking me on the forehead and leaving the house. I just stood there with an open mouth and anger flooding through me, but also embarassement.


     I can't believe I'm going to do this, I thought to myself as I held my phone and took a deep breath. I calmed myself down and paced inside my room, ideas popping into my head as fast as me running for food, but they popped out immediately.

     I pressed the ID and waited for her to pick up.





    "Hey, um... Wendy," I muttered into the phone.

    "Oh great, whaddya want you little twerp?" she snarled into the phone. I could already imagine her rolling her eyes and pulling a face like she would rather be cleaning muck up rather than help me.

     "If you weren't busy, well, um... I'd like it if you could come over and help me with something? Please? I mean uh - if you're busy, it's fine if you can't come," I rambled, hoping she'd for once be nice and help me.

    "Babe, just go help her," I heard a voice in the background. Sounded like Robbie. Maybe he left immediately after breakfast?

    "Fine," drawled out Wendy into the phone. "5 o'clock sharp, brat. You better be in your room, and I'd better not have any interruptions, 'cause if I do, I swear I'll never ever -"

     "Sweetheart, I think she gets it."

     "Well, whatever. Just be ready at 5, and I'll help you up."

     "But -"

     She ended the call immediately. I bit my lip, trying to suppress any urge of swearing at anything that breathed. I took deep breathes and sat on my bed, and opened my phone again. It was 11:48 AM, and I had like, forever, to get ready. 

     I can't deny that I wasn't having gorillas dancing in my stomach, neither can I deny that I had a weird happy feeling that tugged at my heart endlessly.  Nor can I deny the weird feeling of excitement and happiness that literally made me feel like I was high.

     I think I'm hanging around Acid too much, talking about drugs and stuff.

Published: May 05, 2016 | Reads: 6.5k | Goal: 7k

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