Chapter 10: The Talk pt.2

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-Chloe POV-

As I was walking to get my fourth cup I walked right into someone.

"Shit" he said rubbing his head.

"My bad" I said rubbing my head also. I looked up to see Dalvin and I felt all warm inside.

"Hi Chloe" he said smiling a little at me. "Hi Dalvin" I said.

"So where were you heading that you walked right into me" he asked and we both laughed.

"I was going to get another cup" I said holding it up so he could see.

"I'll go with you" he said and I nodded.

As we walked I saw K-Ci talking to some girl from our school and JoJo was heading up the stairs with some girl. I started shaking my head and I laughed a little.

"What's so funny" Dalvin asked nudging my shoulder softly.

"Nothing just thinking" I said.

"What you thinking about" he asked.

"Why you're asking a million and one questions" I said playfully.

"Well excuse me" he said faking to be hurt and I laughed.

"You got a cute smile" he said and I giggled.

"Thank you" I said getting another drink. I was pulling out some money when Dalvin stopped me.

"I got it" he said.

"No it's cool" I retorted.

"For real don't even trip" he said paying the bartender.

I shrugged and sipped on my drink.

"So how many drinks so far" he asked leaning against the counter.

"This is my fourth one" I replied.

"Can you hold your liquor" he asked.

"Sometimes, it depends on what I order" I said taking another sip.

"Well you're only drinking a beer" he said.

"I never said I was drinking anything heavy did I" I asked.

"True that but did you decide on tutoring me yet" he asked ordering himself something.

"Yeah I did" I said now leaning against the counter in front of him.

"And" he asked paying for his drink.

"Yeah I'll tutor you" I said air quoting the word tutor.

"Why the air quotes" he asked laughing a little.

"We both know you don't need no damn tutoring" I said giving him a dumb look.

He laughed and then sipped on his drink.

"True but hey it got you talking to me didn't it" he asked.

"You have Mr.Rogers too and you sit right in front of me" I said knitting my eyebrows together.

"Aight whatever but-" I cut him off.

Baby I'm yours by Shai came on, Savannah and I love this song.

"I don't know if you like them or not but this is my jam" I said snapping my fingers to the beat.

So Baby I'm yours, if you want me.

(And if you want my sweet love.)

And Baby I'm yours, if you need me.

(La la la)

Loving you forever, if you want me.

(Give me your love.)

Baby I'm yours, if you need me.

I sang the chorus with them and Dalvin looked at me funny.

"What" I asked.

"Nothing" he said sipping his drink again.

"Its something and I wanna know" I said.

"You can kind of sing" he said.

"Thanks" I said slowly.

It was quiet for a few moments until one of us spoke up.

"So I'll see you tomorrow for that tutoring" Dalvin said slowly backing up.

I laughed a little "Sure see you tomorrow" I said following him so I could go find Monae.

He kept walking and I stopped at the spot where we bumped heads. I walked over to the closet and grabbed the knob pulling the door open. I saw two girls making out and they broke apart.

"Close the damn door" one girl said with a stank attitude.

"Whatever" I said slamming the door closed.

I turned around and headed towards the stairs. I switched my red cup to my left hand using my other hand to hold onto the railing. I made it to the top of the stairs and I could hear noises. I walked closer to one of the bedrooms and I placed my left ear to the door.

I grabbed the knob and slowly twisted it pushing the door open. I pushed the door open and stumbled inside to see a blonde girl on top of some fool. She turned around and gasped covering herself.

"Get ya freak on" I said laughing and backing out of the room.

I closed the door back and let go of the knob. I turned around and walked down the hall to another room barging right in.

"There you go" I said leaning against the door.

Monae and JoJo are sitting on someone's bed, JoJo has a bottle and Monae has another joint.

"Yo come join us" she said exhaling. I got up off the door and closed it again before walking over to them.

I plopped onto the bed and took the joint from her.

"Sup" I said to JoJo.

"No- Nothing" he slurred.

"Damn the party barely started and he already wasted" I said and Monae laughed.

Her eyes are so low I can barely see them.

"Have you been drinking too" I asked her taking a hit of the blunt.

She hiccupped and laughed again.

"May- maybe" she slurred.

"Whatever I'm tryna get wasted too" I said exhaling and passing it back.

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