• Two •

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"I've been waiting half an hour!"

"Yoomi we're really sorry! We got held up" Defends Hyejin.

"Held up by who?" Yoomi sounds pretty mad but I'm not phased by her tone.

"Kim Seokjin" I mumble and turn the page in the magazine I'm reading.

"Kim Seokjin?!"

"That's what I said"

"He was asking Nari about the article she'll be writing on Kim Taehyung" Hyejin smiles sweetly before taking a bite out of her sandwich.

"You're writing an article about Kim Taehyung? I thought you hated him-"

"I do-"

"Have you finally come to your senses and realised how hot he is?" Yoomi laughs and I simply roll my eyes. "Oh come on, even you have to admit he's a work of art"

"I don't have to admit anything I don't believe to be true."

"Yoomi don't push her, you now how she is about boys" Hyejin giggles

"Oh that's right, I keep forgetting you've never had a boyfriend and as far as I know, you've never had a crush either"

"What are you getting at Yoomi?" I question.

"Oh nothing, just thinking-"

"About what?"

"Yoomi stop." Hyejin interrupts us both. "Yoomi, Nari is not a lesbian if that's what you're getting at"

"Even if I was, you should all respect that and not question my sexuality. It wouldn't make me a different person or make me act differently, it would simply change my perspective of attractive" I point out then start reading again. Yoomi huffs and takes a pair of glasses out of her back. "Aren't they mine?" I ask her.

"Yeah but you said you didn't need them"

"Why would I say I don't need my glasses? When did I even say-"

"Last week, Hyejins party" She mumbles

"I was drunk! I don't even remember that party! I need my glasses, please Yoomi give them back"

"Whatever" she takes them off, practically throwing them at me.

"Yoomi! That was rude even for you"


"You two" Hyejin sighs, "you're always like this. What's happened now?"

"I honestly don't know, if it's because we were late, we're sorry about that. Yoomi I don't under-"

"I'm just stressed!" She puts her head in her hands.

"Yoomi what's wrong?" I ask while offering her a biscuit. She gently takes one out the packet, holding it, not eating it, just staring.

"I've missed a period" she begins explaining. "I messed around with Hoseok-"

"J-Hope?" Hyejin wonders out loud.


"When did this happen?" Yoomi isn't my closest friend but that doesn't stop me from worrying about her.

"It happened at Hyejin's party. I don't even like him that much but it kinda just happened..."

"When was your period due?"

"Two days ago" I sigh in relief after hearing her.

"It's not that late Yoomi. Please say you used some form of protection, or at least took the morning after pill?" She nods and I pause before speaking again, "I wouldn't stress it, if you're really worried take a test but whatever you do, don't tell Hoseok. No need to make him worry if there's nothing actually wrong, okay?" Trying to reason with Yoomi is like trying to get a dog to sing Got7 If You Do, impossible.

"Okay"  what? Did the Yoomi just agree with me?

"Fück!" Why is it whenever I see Jimin or Taehyung they're swearing? I turn around and look at who cursed. Low and behold it's non other than Kim Taehyung. He's dropped his phone on the floor, good job moron. As he bends down to pick it up his glasses fall off his face, he lets out a frustrated groan and I can't help but laugh. After picking up his things he looks directly at me. He cocks an eyebrow before walking towards me with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Why is he coming over?" Hyejin whispers. I simply shrug and turn back around facing Yoomi again.

"You" I strain my neck to look up at the giant boy.

"Yes?" He chuckles at my attitude before sitting next to me, rudely pushing Hyejin from my side and nearly onto the floor.

"Are you the one who's supposed to be writing about me?" He puts his sunglasses in his pocket, avoiding all eye contact. Weird.

"I don't think I am" I shrug and read the magazine once again. Out of my peripheral vision I see him looking at Hyejin and Yoomi.

"Yah!" Taehyung attempts to turn my body towards him.

"Don't you ever touch me!" I snap and rip his hand from my shoulder. Evidently I said that a little louder than I should have as now everyone is staring at me, mouths agape.

Taehyung chuckles lowly. Everyone turns around and gets back to what they were doing but 'the second biggest player' refuses to move.

"What do you want Kim Taehyung?" I sigh.

"There's a couple things but I'll keep them to myself," he smirks, "for now."

I scoff and look back at the magazine.

"Hey!" He rips the paper from my grasp and throws it into the nearest bin.

"What is wrong with you?!" I snap.

"You were being rude"

"Your existence is rude"

"Oh don't you know it Nari" He winks

"How do you know my name? I've never even spoken to you before."

He leans in slowly and I do my best to not flinch at his touch. He puts his hand on my thigh, stopping my escape and whispers in my ear, "that's what you think princess." Abruptly he stands up, "we'll talk later, there's no escaping it." He covers his mouth and nose with his mask before sauntering away.

I look back at the girls feeling a little flustered. They look as equally confused as me, "what was that all about?" Yoomi was the first to speak up. "Do you have something going on with Taehyung?"

I gag, "I think I'd rather die"

Woop another chapter. I don't really like authors notes but oh well, tell me what you think so far, always appreciate it. Unedited

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