• Twenty nine •

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Also, unedited lmao yeet.

I've had a few people ask if my book is completed, the answer is no. It's not complete. I'm not sure where the confusion is coming from but rest assured I'm not leaving you guys on that cliff hanger.

Also part two, this is my finished drawing! Honestly, the picture doesn't really do it justice.

Also part two, this is my finished drawing! Honestly, the picture doesn't really do it justice

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Last point:
It's my 18th birthday today - So this is my gift to you (30/03/18)

3rd person to make it less awkward on my behalf

Swiftly, Taehyung lifts the frustrated girl off the couch, carrying her bridal style up the stairs. Even though the journey from living room to bedroom took around 45 seconds, for both participants it felt like a lifetime of longing, lust and sexual tension. The air around them heavy with unspoken words, ragged breath and anticipation.

He kicks the door open with his foot, gently placing his most prized possession on the bed. Nari, wiggles her way further onto the bed, watching with hooded eyes as Taehyung crosses his arms over his chest, grabbing the hem of his shirt, finally raising it over his head at an agonisingly slow rate. Before climbing onto her, he ruffles his hair in a sexy and masculine way. Very few words are spoken between the pair; instead, they do all their talking with kisses. Kisses that are placed everywhere.

Dominantly, Taehyung pins Nari's arm to the bed, after growing more and more turned on by her clawing at his shoulders. She moans sensually as Taehyung covers her neck in open mouth kisses that slowly grow more intense as he nips and sucks at the porcelain like skin, leaving a sea of bruises in his wake.

"Taehyung-ah" a soft moan slips from the girls plump lips and that simple action is enough to make Taehyung groan against her neck; finally releasing her arms so that his hands can slide down the bottom of her stomach, grasping her shirt, rapidly removing it. She gasps at his sudden action but allows him to do as he please, they both want and need this. Once removed, he hovers over her, arm straining and a light sweat covering his forehead. Nari on the other hand, puts one hand on the back of his neck and the other between his shoulder blades. Brutally, he grinds his hard bulge against her core; both moaning into the kiss. He grunts when she slips her hand from his back, dragging it down his front, landing on her belt buckle. Smoothly, he flips them over so Nari is now on top. The flustered girl gazes into his dark eyes for a moment, warmth surrounding them within the heat of the moment, fires blazing in the pits of their stomachs. Taehyung's appearance in this time is godly, hooded eyes, swollen lips, hair partly sticking to his forehead, everything that could seem wrong is so right and it affects the girl who most likely looks in the same state.

"I love you" she whispers before crashing her lips back onto Taehyung's, hips grazing against his.

After some time of teasing, the pent up boy decides he's had enough. "Babygirl, it's not fun to tease, you should help me out" his low but authoritative tone breaks the dense air. She complies completely, unbuckling his belt and removing his tight jeans that have been restricting him all this time. "Thank fück" he grumbles, and then flips them back so the small girl is once again on the bottom. They continue kissing for some time until Nari decided to take matters in to her own hands. Literally. Sneakily snaking her hands down his front to palm Taehyung through his boxers. He stops kissing her, instead rolling his head down in pleasure, some strands of hair falling over his eyes. She speeds up her movements, contemplating slipping her hand under the material of his boxers. A string of expletives run out of Taehyung's mouth, his breathing becoming quicker by the second. Finally, he opens his eyes and Nari instantly notices the change - Taehyung is no longer in control.

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