• Thirty •

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"Jungkook what's going on? You need to tell me what's happened!" My ears struggle to make out what Taehyung is saying after having only just woke up but I can hear the stress. Creeping one eye open to watch the worried boy who is now sat up in bed still naked, the sheets scrunched carelessly around his waist. "What do you mean he's gone!?" He snaps, dragging his free hand through his hair as he quickly glances in my direction to check if he woke me up. As his eyes meet mine I notice panic and fright glaze over his otherwise bright irises. Instantly, I'm afraid for him, I've never seen this level of distress, not even when he was knocking at deaths door. "He can't have just disappeared Jungkook, have you checked everywhere?" The phone call continues for another five minutes and I'm left wondering what in Gods name is going on. Once he's hung up, he gazes at me before letting out an agitated groan, throwing himself back onto the pillows he slept on. Curiosity gets the better of me, "what's happened?" I ask softly, cuddling up to Taehyung who's frustratedly rubbing at his face.

"Jimin's gone missing" he mumbles before rolling onto his side to wrap his arms around my exposed body.

"What do you mean he's gone missing?"

Taehyung twirls a strand of my hair around his finger, mindlessly answering me, "he's not at school and won't answer his phone. Jungkook's looked everywhere and he can't find him."

"Oh... Do you know anywhere he could be?" Gently, I swipe my thumb over his cheek, calming his stressed expression. He hums in response but doesn't answer fully. Suddenly, his eyes bulge and he shouts that he knows where the missing boy is.


"Jimin!" Taehyung shouts as we roam the rooftop of a different abandoned warehouse. Why and how do they know so many? "Jimin! I know you're here!" Sighing, I watch as he rushes around the vents and rails, desperately trying to locate Jimin.

"Tae, I don't think he's here" I whisper quietly not wanting to upset him further. Frankly, I'm sore and I want nothing more than to have a hot bath; we ran out the house so fast that Taehyung nearly forgot to put his shoes on.

He snaps at me causing a minor flinch, "no! I know he's here!" Deciding it's best to leave him to it, I sit on one of the concrete blocks pondering why Jimin has all of sudden done a runner. "Stupid Jimin, you can't ever let anyone be happy" I grumble under my breath unaware of the figure that has now lurked around a little hut.

"Now that's not very nice is it sweetheart?" Sharply, I turn my head to see the one and only Park Jimin, who once looked flawless but is now bruised and covered in blood. Running up to him for him to just slump to the floor, utterly exhausted. "What happened?!" He smirks weakly but chuckles, "Just ya know, got mugged, no biggie."

"Oh my God, are you okay?" Crouching to his level and beginning to scan over his numerous injuries: a busted lip, black eye, cut and bruised cheek not to mention the way he's grasping his ribs.

"Never felt better!" He grins showing off his still pearly teeth. "Where's Taehyung? I heard him shouting. The fücker woke me up."

"Taehyung!" I exclaim as Jimin groans, "can you maybe not scream right next to me? I have a head ache." I wince and mumble an apology; straightaway, Taehyung comes running.

"Jimin! Thank God, are you okay? What happened? How did you get here?"

He snaps past the point of anger and irritation, the pain finally crushing his patience, "can you shut the fück up!? I'm sick of every fücker shouting! I'm obviously not okay am I? Look with your dâmn eyes!" He huffs and whips out a pack of cigarettes, stripping the carton of a singular stick, putting it between his split lips. He fiddles with the lighter, desperately trying to feed his addiction and calm down. The lighter slips from his hand and he shouts, grabbing at his hair. Tentatively, I pick it up, igniting it and helping his get his fix. He takes a long drag as me and Taehyung stay completely silent. Calmly, he blows out the smoke. It circles around us like a confused bird but disappearing before out eyes. "I'm sorry" he mumbles pitifully, "I'm just in pain and incredibly píssed."

Finally, I plop down next to him and rub his back soothingly, "what did they take?"

"My phone, the fückers have all my nudes! My wallet and the weed I just bought" he cringes. "That shít was expensive"

"Do you still have your car keys?" Taehyung questions, not phased by the mention of the drugs or nudes.

"Yeah, well I didn't take them with me so they're still at mine" he sighs. Even though his eyes are pained, you can see the relief held within them. Casually, I stream my fingers through his tangled hair, "let's get you home or to a hospital Jimin." Taehyung follows my every move with judging eyes; he clears his throat and immediately I stop.


"Are you sure you're okay to go in by yourself?"

Jimin chuckles breathlessly, "yes Nari, I'm fine, stop worrying." He glances over to Taehyung who's gripping the steering wheel of his recently bought Audi. "Nice car Tae," he begins to limp to his house but turns around, "nice hickeys" he winks at us both before slamming his front door shut.

Thanks for finding me. I dont know how i wouldve got home - this is my second phone lmao

Dw about it, tae was flipping shit about you being missing

Shocker lmao - deals still on tho baby

Actually it's not


You cant take what's already been taken Jimin

Oh so you fucked then?


Fuck finally! Let me text hoseok i won our bet fuck yessss

What bet??

Its a long story sweetcheeks


Ayeeee hello! Long time my thirsty babies. This was a boring chapter soz

- SugaustD x

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