• Thirteen •

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"Nari, what are you doing?"

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"Nari, what are you doing?"

"What does it look like Taehyung? I'm trying to find my clothes" My hands slide down the silk sheets to lift them and peer under the bed.

"Why though is what I mean" He mumbles. For a split second I stop what I'm doing and look over to the tall, less hungover, boy.

"I want to go home, duh"

"Are you sure you're fit to travel, I don't live close to you," He pauses, "like not even close, at all"

"I'm hungover, I'm not dying"

Taheyung slumps towards the fancy bed and hurls himself onto it. As he lays on his back he groans and turns on his side to face me. "I don't want you throwing up in my car, it's worth more than your tiny house"

"Taehyung I'm about to slap you upside the head, I swear, don't test me"

"Oh, I do love it when you're feisty. Makes things a little more interesting"

"Right, that's it. I'm walking home" I shrug nonchalantly before standing up, brushing the non existent dirt off my knees.

"It's late, Im not letting you walk home, it'll take you like two hours and by that time it'll be pitch black. It's already getting dark. It's not safe"

"Watch yourself, you almost sound concerned." I grumble while rolling my eyes.

"I am concerned. If anything happens to you, it'll be on me and I have a good boy reputation to uphold."

"You're reputation is as tainted as the colour red. Don't flatter yourself." I scoff.

"So cold, so heartless. Who hurt you dear one?" Taehyung sarcastically coos at me. Don't mess with me boy. I don't take kindly to self righteous brats teasing me.

"For your information, no one hurt me, I just hate people, especially you"

He hold his palm to his heart, pulling a strained expression. "Oh baby, now I am hurt"

Slowly, I cross my arms over my chest, watching his face as his expression changes from pained to amused. "You don't have a heart"

"I do," He sighs, "and I'd give it to you in a heartbeat." He looks me dead in the eye, his tongues pokes out to wet his lips; a sign of nervousness. Deeply, I sigh just like he did.

"Don't be like that Taehyung, I don't like liars"

"Who says I'm lying?"

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