• Nineteen•

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Im having a lot of issues when I try to publish new chapters- fingers crossed Wattpad fix this bug :( my notifications are incredibly delayed so I apologise in advance if i don't see your comments or messages :(
However, I have emailed their support and they've been very helpful! Thank you Wattpad :)


1) Where are you from?
- I'm from England, however, I use some American words such as 'couch' so people don't get confused... I have some American friends who have no idea what a 'sofa' is :D

2) How old are you?
- I'm 17, 18 in three months

3) Who is your ultimate bias?
- A wilding Kim Taehyung but BTS are bias wreckers af

4) Do you have any pets?
- Yes. I have: 7 cats (crazy cat lady yo), 1 dog, a collection of fish, a horse and a live mouse that lives behind my bookcase (the cats brought it in and it lives there now, we feed/water it everyday day and we've named Reginald).

5) Are you writing anything at the moment?
- I am indeedy! I'm continuing to write this current ff while also working on:
Makeup artist

6) what do you do in your spare time?
- I have very little spare time but when I do get free I sing, draw, play the piano or write.

7) Do you have any other social media for readers to access you?
- yes, I have two different kpop instagrams and a we heart it account (dm me if you'd like to know) :)

8) Are you happy right now?
- Boi don't put me on the spot like that

9) When and how did you discover kpop?
- It was around October 2013, I was on vine and one of my favourite accounts revined a dance video of BTS, I thought it was pretty lit and spent the next week watching different vines and different MV's from a range of groups!

10) Do you have any secret talents?
- well, I used to be a highly impressive video editor (my laptop died and took my sony vegas pro down with the ship *le cries* I now make small edits on my ipad), I sing and I can draw reasonably well :)

That's 10 things about me, I would tag accounts but I don't really know of any accounts I could tag, I don't want to be burdensome by tagging big accounts :/



"Nari, baby come here, I want to show you something" Taehyung chirps happily from the kitchen. As I waltz into the kitchen, I notice it's a very expensive house and Taehyung is not alone. He's got a little baby in his arms, cradling it as if it is his most prized possession.

"Isn't our baby girl sweet, just like her mum" He grins and steps towards me, enveloping me with one arm, pulling my into his side; kissing my cheek. "Good morning gorgeous" He whispers lovingly. The surfaces are a white marble, with silver runners along the edges. The cupboards match the white marble, white. Everything here is white apart from some kitchen appliances like the kettle and toaster.

Suddenly, the baby starts to wriggle and cry. We both look down at her. Taehyung releases me and lifts her up closer to his chest. He begins to sing a small lullaby to soothe her. His voice is stunning, deep and slightly raspy but absolutely beautiful. I could listen to it everyday. My gaze never leaves his face while he sings, eyes creasing and shrinking when he smiles. The way he looks at the little girl is full of adoration and love.

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