• Six •

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"Where were you?" Hyejin whispers in my ear while the teacher is writing on the board.

"I was talking to-" I begin

"Ms Chang get out!"

"Huh?" I look up shocked. What did I do?

"I'm fed up of you talking in my lesson! Gather your things and leave" She points to the door.

Mumbling a quiet, "you've got to be kidding me", I collect my things and stand outside, well, slide down the wall. Just then the last person I want see casually strolls past. He glances at me, keeps walking, stops mid step and walks backwards towards me. Really? Slowly he bends down in front of me, finally sitting on the floor cross legged, obviously interested in why I was outside of class.

"What do you want Kim Taehyung?" I ask while glaring at him.

"Well, I just came out to get a dri-"

"You were kicked out"

"Yah! How did you know that?" He says with a shocked expression. I know everything Taehyung, I chuckle inside my head.

"I heard Mr Woo shouting about 10 minutes ago"

"Ah I see." Awkward silence. "So, why are you out here? I'm pretty sure you've never been thrown out a class in your life" He smirks.

Shrugging, "I don't know, Ms Lee was just being unnecessarily cruel today."

"I like how you don't swear. It's different. Everyone in this school swears, even the teachers swear sometimes... But not you. It makes you unique. And that, is very rare here. Everyone is simply a clone of who they wish they were. But not you, you stand out, you don't follow the crowd." I watch him as he talks, he looks so passionate about uniqueness, from my point of view it almost seems like he sees himself as plain and without interest. Suddenly what he's actually said hits me like a brick and I can't help but blush a little. This is the nicest thing anyone has said to me other than, 'I copied your test thanks for not fücking us both up' from the one and only Min Yoongi.


"What?" He looks into my eyes as he was originally staring intently at the floor.

"I didn't think you could be so, so, I don't know, genuine"

"Ah well there's lots you don't know about me" He leans in, "but I'd love for you to find out"

I groan, "why can't you be normal for just two minutes? Is it too hard?" He chuckles slightly.

"Is it too hard? I don't know, why don't you find out?" He winks, reaching for my hand.

Snatching my hand quickly away from his grasp, I snap "Ew Taehyung that's disgusting!"

"You know you love it really"

"Love what?"

"Me teasing you all the time"

"I really don't. Can you leave? I would like to enjoy my punishment in silence"

"I've got nothing to do"

"That's not my problem"

"Come with me" He grabs my arm pulling my up, then drags me down the hall to the main doors that leave school.

"I'm not skipping with you Kim Taehyung!" I snap and rip my arm from his grasp. "I'm a good student and I'm not allowing you to ruin that!"

"But it'll be worth it" He chuckles

"I'm not leaving, I have a perfect record, not like you would care about that" I begin to walk back to where I was sat originally.

"Nari," I turn around, "please?"

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