• Thirty Two •

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Well hi again? Long time no see... I'm back, sort of. Ive had an idea of where this can go for about 3 days now and I've been non stop thinking so you're welcome - 3+ years writers block?
In all honesty, you may not like the change but it's the direction I want to take. Fingers crossed you all swallow the huge plot twist well... Anyways, as of right now this will be the last chapter. Sad, i know. However,

New book. Enjoy :) - first few chapter published btw ;)

Unedited ~

"Kim Taehyung, the boy I underestimated, doubted and judged entirely. Believed everything others had said, almost voiding my own opinions due to the stigma set around his name. But who really is this person? A classmate? Yes. A friend? Not originally. Someone I could turn to? Most definitely not.

However, now I know the real Taehyung. A genuine, kind, caring, loving and truly well minded individual whom I'm so happy to have been given the opportunity to know, understand and befriend. He's hard working, incredibly smart, even though he won't admit, and more.

Honestly, I never thought I'd tolerate him but he seems to have a curiosity for those who don't fully get 'it'. I know now his favourite colour is blue, he loves his grandmother more than anything, his friends are incredibly important and the bond they share is unimaginable, he some day wants to be as successful as his father, he's protective over those he considers close, he takes chances - some would call them risks, surrounds himself with finer things although is careful with his money, he's quite simply a unique man.

A lot of people would take him at face value. Dangerous eyes, cunning smile and a mop of hair, nonetheless, he'd open his mouth and you'd laugh more than you ever have in your life. Well, this was my experience with him anyway, I'm sure his friends could agree. He takes himself seriously but not too seriously, being goofy at any appropriate opportunity - quite a skill really.

I remember once he was rather ill and was taken into hospital, we all feared the worst. Walk into the hospital room to see him 'asleep'. We're obviously afraid for him thinking he may not wake up. On the other hand, he heard our fears, he's sat there, grin on his dace waving at us after the doctor made a gesture to the originally unconscious boy. As you can see, he puts other before him, always. He's special in that way, I wouldn't class him as completely selfless as no one is truly selfless. Though he tries his best.

Comical, witty, adventurous, enthusiastic, ambitious, sincere, diligent, affectionate, adaptable, bright and truly charming - once you get through the wall of toughness.

This is Kim Taehyung. Im honoured to have gotten close to him and I hope everyone reconsiders previous assumptions of someone they don't really know.


That's it. It's done. The article, finally.

"Hey we need to talk"

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