• Thirty one •

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-2 weeks later-

I still know nothing about the Park Jimin and Jung Hoseok bet. Would I like to know? Yes, obviously.

"I want to learn from you, know everything I can to further the company." He breathes, "teach me." Taehyung finishes and looks directly at me, asking, "how was that?"

"Good but I'm not the person you need to say it to, I'm not your dad" I chuckle and play with his fingers that rest on my crossed legs. Sighing, he takes a hold of my hands and pulls me closer to him, nose pressed against his.

"You can be my baby momma though."

"Will you ever grow out of this fückboy phase?" I giggle, shoving my shoulder against his.

Taehyung drags me close to him once again, locking his arm around my shoulders that once bashed his. "Never, it keeps you on your toes." He leans back against the arm of my couch, allowing me to lay uncomfortably between his legs, torso smushed against his.

"I'm not going to be around forever" I mumble, wriggling to find comfort.

"I want you to be though" he gazes, silently pleading with his eyes, not wanting me to leave but not fully wanting me to stay, like a deadly addiction to the most powerful drug.

"What do you mean?"

"Stay with me" he says bluntly with no further explanation.


"How cool would that be though?" He asks, starting to get excited at the image of us being together in the future.

"I can only just put up with you staying here twice a week, let alone forever... I never thought that we'd end up here"

"But here we are my dear," he kisses the top of my head whilst I mumble awkwardly into his shirt, "and here you shall stay"

"Can you let me go?"

"What no? I want you to stay forever"

"No I mean, get the fück off me, you're suffocating me and I need air!"

"Oh shït, my bad" he chuckles, finally releasing me from what was turning into a choke hold.


"Can you tell me about your family?" He whispers lightly as we lean against each other, watching a random movie on tv. I freeze at his random question, not particularly wanting to speak about the mess that is my family. "You don't have to but I'd like to know as you're important to me, therefore, so are your family." Instead of looking at me he stares at the movie, not focusing on it.

"You really want to know?" I question quietly. He shifts next to me, averting his eyes from the tv and finally to me, full attention.


"Well, I hope your comfortable, this is about to be the longest story you've ever heard" I sigh but chuckle half heartedly as he shuffles on the couch, turning his body to mine, cross legged. "As you know, I live alone," he nods in response, "my parents aren't really around anymore"

"Oh Nari I'm sorry-"

"No, no, not like that, they're still living but I don't really have contact..."

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