• Twenty five •

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I'm completely blown away - THANK YOU FOR 50K READS!

Also my lovelies, my new book Makeup Artist is out! It's fluffy and full of Jimin


"Oh hi Nari, nice to see you agi- dear god what happened to you!?"

I cringe at the loudness in her tone, "please calm down I'm okay, tis just a scratch" chuckle away the pain Nari, chuckle away the pain.

We hear heavy stomps coming down the stairs; our heads snap in that direction. A very ill looking Kim Taehyung skids into the kitchen, hair a mess and overall stance very alert. He nearly slips onto his face but manages to catch the edge of the kitchen island. "What's wrong? What happened? are you okay!?" He rambles quickly having to pant afterwards to catch his breath.

She sweetly pats his shoulder but suddenly grabs his ear, "what are you doing out of bed!?" She shouts. Jungkook mumbles a laugh but I shove him to shut him up before Taehyung notices. "First Nari now you! Does this look like an infirmary?" At the mention of my name the sick boy shoots his head up, ear being freed from his grandmother's grasp; he stares at me, taking in my injured form. Worriedly, he rushes over to me, cupping my injured cheek. He inspects my face, not leaving a freckle untouched.

"Are you okay? What happened?"

I gently push his hand from my face for two reasons: his grandmother and Jungkook are watching the loving display of genuine concern and that son of a broomstick is hurting my cheek more. "I'm fine Taehyung," I whisper before returning his question, "are you okay?" He sniffles in response and shrugs.

"He's got a cold, I'm not sure where from but he stayed out all yesterday," she looks at both me and Jungkook with challenging eyes, "you two don't know anything about that do you?" Immediately we shake our heads no, not wanting a scolding from the elderly woman. "I'm onto you two." She gets two fingers in a 'V' shape and puts them to her eyes and then flicks her hand round so they're in our direction, she does this while squinting her eyes.

"We're in deep shit" Jungkook mumbles behind me and once again I shove him to shut him up. "aish stop it woman" He groans. Taehyung is still looking over all my cuts and bruises before he asks his grandmother to get the first aid kit.

"Nari, baby you're so clumsy, how did this happen?" He wonders once his family member has left the room.

For the third time I elbow Jungkook and he finally moves away from me to avoid any further attacks on his ribs. "Ask this idiot"

Taehyung's aura noticeably changes to a dark way, "what did you do?" His jaw clenches as he speaks, his eyes also turning a shade darker. Oooo Jungkook you're in trouble. Instead of being phased by Taehyung, Jungkook simply steps forward and slings his arm around my shoulder.

"I had to get a way to bring her here-"

"So you fücking hurt her!?" Taehyung spits venomously. Jungkook rolls his eyes and lets out an exasperated sigh. Then he pinches the other boys cheek, "no silly, I took her phone and she fell over while getting it back. Want to see the video?"

Taehyung ponders what he's said for a few seconds before cracking into a grin, "yeah I bet it's hilarious!"

"Yah Kim Taehyung!" I shout and he wafts me off while moving to lean against the island with Jungkook who's got his phone out. The video plays in the background as I'm still stood in the kitchen flabbergasted, is this really happening. Jimin your bet is going to fail 100%.

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