• Twenty eight •

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"Ah home sweet home" Taehyung lets out a loud sigh and dumps my bag on the table. We said goodbye to Jungkook about 10 minutes ago as he doesn't live to far from the café. Lucky him. The text from Jimin is still playing on my mind, does he know about me and Tae or does he just know I went to pick him up from the hospital along with Jungkook?


It's a simple enough question sweetheart

Erm he's good idk?

I would assume so being as snapchat maps says he's at your house

Jimin wtf you're like a pro stalker, do you even have a life?

I do but it's fun to fck with urs

He's here to get class notes that the teacher told me to give him so

Ill be sure to ask him about that ; ) have a good night sweetheart

Are you sure you want to block this number?

Oh the temptation. Taehyung notices my absence in the conversation he's currently having about how much he likes my small house yet cozy house . "Who are you texting?"

I lock my phone and look towards him, "huh? Oh yeah, Hyejin, I was asking her about the homework" I smile softly and flop onto the couch next to him. He says nothing, instead, turns on the tv and puts on a random movie, wrapping his body around mine. Half way through the film he speaks up, voicing a question he must've had for a while, "if you were texting Hyejin, why did you look so scared?"

I crane my neck to glance at his face but he's focussed on the tv, eyes trained on the pixilated movements. "I didn't know we had homework" I say softly, hoping my lie will come off affectively. Finally, he looks down at me with unreadable eyes.

"why are you lying to me?"


"Nari, tell me, who were you texting?" His voice somehow manages to drop a few octaves and I'm stunned by the possessiveness that runs throughout every word strongly.

"You're not gonna like this," I slowly begin, trying my hardest not to stumble over my words, "but I was texting Jimin"

He sits upright, dislodging himself from me, physically and mentally creating distance between us. "why?"
He growls.

"It's nothing bad, he was just asking how you were"

He wracks a hand through his slightly tangled hair, "why didn't he just ask me?"

"He knew I was meeting you there and probably just wanted to ask someone else as to form a friendship?" My voice heightens in pitch towards the end, becoming unsure in my own lie.

"I guess?" Taehyung shrugs, puffing out a heavy breath, back leaning against my couch. "Nari?" He asks, tone softer and less aggressive.

"Yes?" I reply calmly. Suddenly, he pushes me down on the couch, arms either side of my head, trapping me. His aura flipped a switch from angry to seductive in a matter of seconds. What just happened?

"You know you're all mine right?" His deep voice radiates within my ears sending an army of shivers fleeing down my spine. Dark eyes piercing my eyes, lust swirling around his irises like a whirlpool far out at sea.

"Am I?" I counteract, I'm not exactly in the position where I should question him. But I do so anyways. Why you ask? Because I'm a mess, he makes me a mess. My thoughts are scattered and any sense of logic abandoned me after he stepped foot inside my house.

"You are and I've told you this multiple times, everyone else knows this too but it seems I have to keep explaining this" He groans out of frustration. "And I'm sick of it"


"So, let me ask you this one more time baby and think carefully about your answer" he tilts his head and blinks slowly. "You know you're all mine right?" 

"I do"

"Not even a stutter, good girl" Quickly, he dips, feverishly attacking my lips with his own. What drugs did the hospital give him? Dear lord. He hurriedly switches positions by sliding his arms underneath my back, pulling up so he falls backwards on the couch and pulls me so I'm on top. Instead of breaking the kiss, I continue it, deepen it even. We pause to catch our breaths, the film plays in the background, occasionally we hear the voices but mainly only our puffs and gasps for the vital thing that is oxygen.

"Do you know how much I've been wanting to do this for the past 2 weeks?" He mumbles lowly before crashing his lips back onto mine, one hand gripping waist and the other entangled in my hair. He pushes my hips down so they hit against his; a deep moan erupts from his throat but he doesn't stop. He grips harder at my hair and uses his hand to encourage me to move my hips. Alarm bells ring in my head. Abruptly, I break the kiss and sit upright, accidentally putting a lot of pressure on Taehyung's growing bulge; a jagged breath gets caught in his throat, eyes shut tight is euphoria.


"Nari" he replies with open eyes, once again tilting his head as it sits on the arm rest, his hips subtly moving beneath me, large hands still digging into my hips.

"We should watch the movie"

"I'd rather watch you underneath me, it's my favourite show" he smirks and pushes me down on him.

"You need to-"

"We both know you want more, what's stopping you?"

"Nothing, honestly nothing is stopping me, like I want nothing more than to go upstairs and-" I slap a hand over my mouth, eyes round with shock. "Ignore that!"

"I'm not going to ignore that," he chuckles huskily, "see, not only your body but also you mind wants this, so why not just give in?" I ponder over what he said for a little while as he continues to shift and press me onto him. He's making it increasingly harder to think. Taehyung decides I'm taking too long to think this whole thing over, removing one hand from hip, snaking it behind his head, staring at me lovingly yet lustfully. The expensive rings that litter his fingers create a deep mark on my hip and increase the attractiveness of his overall look. Can he just... No stop it Nari.

"Baby" he coos. "Don't overthink anything, if you want to, you want to but if you don't want to, you don't want to that's no problem. We can just-"

"Fück it" I interrupt, instantaneously meeting his skilled lips. Things become increasingly heated as time passes. Moans and grunts ricochet off the walls; we pause again to catch our breath and exchange a short conversation.

"Bedroom?" He pants.

"Bedroom." I confirm.

Double update ya'll
AHAHAHAHA SEND A BIBLE PLEASE THANK YOU. Im leaving you on a cliff hanger bc Im evil and i have no shame in doing so. ; )

- SugaustD x

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