• Twenty three •

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I have returned as my anxiety has calmed it's títs! Thank you to all the readers that commented on my note and sent me their love! THANK YOU TO THOSE THAT HAVE VOTED FOR ME ON THE FANFIC AWARDS!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND YOU HOLD A VERY DEAR PLACE IN MY HEART!



Stiffly, I wake with an uncomfortable crick in my neck. Did I sleep against a boulder or something? Groaning and rubbing my eyes awake, I attempt to focus on my alien surroundings. Peering to my side, I see Jungkook sleeping soundly. I guess I did sleep against a boulder.

"Pstt," someone tries to get my barely active attention, "Nari." Still half asleep, I nod my head over in the direction of the voice. A bed haired Jimin stares back of me, quirking a brow after eyeballing how close me and Jungkook are. He ruffles his hair and pushes Hoseok's head off his shoulder, standing from his makeshift bed - an old car seat, Yoongi's jacket and Jungkook's backpack as a pillow. Spoilt brat got a comfy bed, even a dâmn pillow, whilst I had to sleep against the brick wall which is Jungkook. How is this fair?

Everyone loves Jimin.


"Everyone loves me, Nari" He jokes, casually swinging his arm around my shoulder. Jimin and I decided to leave the slumbering boys and go for a walk around. It allowed us to shake off our exhausted limbs; frosty morning air nipping at our skin. The tiny bites of the cold raised the hairs on my neck and arms, my senses becoming tuned to every little impulse, be it the whispering sound of the leaves rustling or the blinding light that blinked in my eyes as we wandered throughout the abandoned warehouse. The sun creeping through the cracks in the roof and walls, illuminating Jimin's face; his hair glowing and smile pure, if I didn't know him I would've considered him a God amongst men. Which I now know is a lie, a mirage, a dream.

"Ah I see, sorry your majesty" I joke along with him, enjoying the care free environment.

"You will be, I'll smite you with all my power" As he laughs his dark eyes crinkle and disappear.

"I honestly think I got you boys completely wrong," I start seriously, stopping in my tracks, "you're nothing like I originally thought"

"We're full of surprises, I mean we're the same people, you just only saw our school personas," this boy seems to be full of wise words, "but, then again, we still fück a lot of people mentally and physically," he winks, "but we're not bad people." He pats my back and encourages me to start walking again. We both move through the overgrown weeds and dirt that messes our shoes.

Once again we get to a clearing, staring out onto the mess. The crumbling building becomes tranquil in a grunge kind of way.

•Jimin POV• (YEAH BOI)

Nari stops in front of me so I'm looking at her back, which is now a black silhouette due to the dim light. She looks cute not going to lie. I like exploring and when it's with a newly found companion it's even better. Cautiously, I take my phone from the safety of my pocket and quickly snap a picture of the girl, hastily posting it to my snapchat story - don't kill me Taehyung.

 Cautiously, I take my phone from the safety of my pocket and quickly snap a picture of the girl, hastily posting it to my snapchat story - don't kill me Taehyung

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