• Nine •

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Picture attached is what the boys are wearing for the party + Nari's dress in the corner ~ enjoy!

As I look through my wardrobe I wonder what was wrong with Taehyung earlier, like I know I was a little harsh but at the end of the day he's not the kind of person I want to be friends with. This party should be a good night for me, however, for that to be possible I must stay away from him... "What am I going to wear, Hyejin?"

"I can't help you! I don't even know what I'm going to wear?! What's Jin's favourite colour?" She asks while sitting on the bed scratching her head.

"Oh no you don't, you stay away from that boy, he's nothing but trouble, he's a rotten egg Hyejin" I say sternly while routing through my wardrobe for something to wear.

She groans and then whines, "but he's prettyyyyyyy"

"No excuses!"

"Fine, but if I catch you near Taeh-"

Immediately stopping my actions, I turn to her and say confidently, "you will not catch me anywhere near him"

"Good," she smiles and the corners of her eyes crinkle, "you know, you'll like Taehung eventually, he's too charming not to like"

"I dont find him charming, I find him a nuisance"

"He's cute though, and that voice, oo la la" She fake swoons

"Oh stop it" I laugh and go back to my incredible journey of searching for an outfit.

"I mean lets hope the party isn't as bad as the last one," she chuckles "you know... My party" She awkwardly laughs.

"I can't even remember the last one"

"I bet Taehyung can" She winks at me and I'm left with my mouth agape. "Shut your mouth you're catching flies"

"Yah! Hyejin! Tell me what happened at the last party!"

"I can't really remember"

"Tell me the truth! I need to-"

Text message from Gossip guy

Gossip guy:
hey are you still coming to this party?

"Who is it?" She asks, I can't tell her, she'll go crazy... She may fancy Jin but she's semi obsessed with Jungkook.

"It's just my eomma"

"What!? Where is she? When is she coming back? Has she explained why she left?" Hyejin gasps and moves towards me. I lock my phone and put it on the desk which is crowded with books, makeup and a variety of coloured pencils.

I shake my head as a no, "she's just said that there's money in my bank account for food and bare necessities" Well I'm not telling a complete lie, she sends me a small amount of money every month so I can get by. My best friend gives me a sympathetic smile, then goes back to scratching her head.

yeah why wouldnt i?

Gossip guy:
idk you just mightve changed your mind?


Gossip guy:
okie bby, ill see you in 2 hours then ;)

damn keep your chill

Gossip guy:
i cant be chill when you make me so hot ;)))))

get out

Gossip guy:
damn why dont you flirt back

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