• Twenty seven •

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Also, I can't stop listening to 'Even if I die, it's you' - I love love love it!

Also part 2, I finally finished one of my drawings after a total of 23 hours! If you'd like to see it, let me know (girl let me know).


Walking the school halls without the shouting and incessant swearing of Taehyung and Jungkook is a strange feeling. It's odd to not hear them teasing the younger years, mostly the girls. After recapping the recent weeks or months should I say, I've noticed Taehyung doesn't tease girls anymore - only me and occasionally Yoomi due to her small commotion with the notorious Hoseok.

"So, how is Taehyung?" Hyejin ponders while linking her arm with mine, leading us to our third class of the day - art.

"He's doing better," I say quietly, wondering how he is, "I think he's being discharged soon"

"Oh thank the lord, you can stop moping around now! It's only been a week without him a school." She pauses to stare at Seokjin who on the other hand is glaring at Namjoon. I wonder what's happened? The atmosphere changed dramatically when Yoongi appears, he looks thrilled. "Hello? Nari?" Hyejin asks directly into my ear, retrieving my vacant brain.

Quickly, I shake my head and look at my best friend, "sorry what were you talking about?". She limply chuckles, dragging me to our class.

When we arrive and sit in our allocated seats the previous conversation fired back up again. "Not long ago, you would've been over the moon that Taehyung isn't at school... Is there something you're not telling me?" Hyejin questions quietly, gazing in front of her at Seokjin as the teacher does the register.

"No" I answer bluntly. Instead of replying she swoops her gaze onto me, checking for any cracks in my strong facade. Don't break Nari.

"Okay what aren't you telling me? I'm all ear. I know you're lying," she rests her head in her hand, arm propped on the table. "You forget that we're best friends and I can read you like a book. So, open up baby cakes"

Frustratedly, I sigh and push her arm off the table. Before her head can smack the table, I slide my hand under. "I have nothing to tell you" I mumble, thoroughly fed up. Honestly, I feel awful for lying but I can't tell anyone until this three week bet is over. There's not a chance in hell Im sleeping with Jimin.


School is finally over and I'm on my way to the hospital to visit Taehyung and see if he's getting released today. Slowly making my way there, coming across the final set of lights that allow me to cross the street; my phone alerts me, telling me I have a snapchat. Taking it out of my pocket for further inspection, I find out the snapchat is from someone who I used to only see as a player - Taehyung.

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