• Seven •

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"So I know what I want for Christmas" I state while flopping onto Yoomi's bed and throwing my phone next to me.

"A puppy?"

"No Hyejin, not a puppy, but the death of Kim Taehyung"

"Nari!" Hyejin and Yoomi snap.


"You may not like him but you should never wish death upon someone" Hyejin says in the exact same tone as her mother. Such an innocent little bean.

I roll my eyes while mumbling a moody "mhm".

"See the thing is Nari," Yoomi stops applying her mascara, looks at her reflection for a minute then turns around to face me, "you say you hate him, yet you've been spending a lot of time with him lately. Doesn't quite add up now does it?"

"I dont spend time with him by choice I have to do the arti-"

"Article, yeah I know. But you're not doing an article on his friends"

"What do you mean Yoomi?" Hyejin asks politely.

"She was talking to Jungkook the other day you know" She says smugly knowing Hyejin will go crazy.

"Oh right..." A few seconds later "What!? Oh my, tell me everything! Wait, why didn't you tell me?! Isn't he perfect"

I shoot Yoomi a glare but she simply smirks and turns around to stare at herself in the mirror once again. Vain. As I try to calm Hyejin down there's a knock at the door. If that isn't pizza I will not be impressed. I'm a growing girl and I need my food.

"I'll explain it later Hyejin, I'm going to go see who's at the door"

"Hurry I need all the details!" I love Hyejin but she's a strange one that's for sure. I grab my purse off the dressing table and make my way down the stairs. Just as im about to open the door the delivery man bangs again.

"Okay! Okay! I get it" I shout. I open the door while looking at my purse "How much?"

"Well for you, it's a kiss" Wait I recognise that voice. I snap my head up and I'm faced with Min Yoongi.

"Since when did you deliver pizza?"

"Since I heard delivering pizza can get you loads of puss-"

"Stop!" I shake my head, how vile.
"Just tell me how much the pizza is and then go"

"Sassy, I see why Taehyung likes you" He leans against the door frame with the pizza in one hand.

"Excuse me what?"

"Well, he hasn't said he likes you, but what happened at the party and that nice hickey that you've tried to cover kinda suggests he does"

"How do you know Taehyung did this?" I point to the makeup covered mark.

"Because no one else would want to" He shoves the pizza into my hands "it was already payed for"

Im not usually one to be hurt by what people say, but I will admit, what Yoongi said stung a little bit. I look down and realise that there's a box of pizza in my hands that I didn't have to pay for. Self pity over, stuffing my face begins.

I swing open the door to Hyejin's room, "Who payed for the pizza?"

"I didn't, Yoomi did you?"

"Nope" she says popping the 'p'.

"Oh?" I lift the lid to see a little note written on the inside.

'Nari and I'm guessing friends? Enjoy the pizza, maybe later i could have a pizza dat ass

I scoff, "It's from Yoongi"

"How do you know?" Asks Hyejin

"There's a little message"

"What does it say?"

"Nari and I'm guessing frien-" I'm interrupted by my phone telling me I have a text. While passing the pizza to a curious Hyejin, I stroll over towards the bed where my phone is.

Gossip guy:
What you up to??

Why are u texting me jungkook?

Gossip guy:
why can't i?? Not like it's illegal

bc im a nobody? It'd ruin your lil reputation you've got going on

Gossip guy:
what reputation??

never mind

Gossip guy:
wanna hang??

hang who?

Gossip guy:


"Nari who are you texting?"

"Why does it matter Yoomi?"

"It was just a question" She says rudely

"And not all questions need an answer"

"I bet it's Taehyung"

"You bet wrong sweet pea" I roll my eyes, I'm sick of her talking to me like dirt.

"Well who is it then?"

Grabbing my phone and a slice of pizza, I quickly stand to make my exit.

"I'll see you later Hyejin" I say casually before leaving. As I get to the bottom of the stairs I unlock my phone.

fine, half an hour and that's it. Im a busy girl

Gossip guy:
come to school, im playing and we can hang after practice

I never knew Jungkook did any sports? I thought the only physical exercise he did was getting himself off. Hey you learn something new everyday.

okay, Ill be there in like 10

Gossip guy:

olay to you too

Gossip guy:
shït, autocorrect is stupid

whatever ill see you in a minute then

Gossip guy:
good, we can chill at yours or mine after i finish??

orrrrrrr not

Gossip guy:
what do you want to do??

idk go for a walk or something, you can always tell me about what happened at the party

Gossip guy:
hmm maybe, maybe not ;)

Im so done with this fückboy


Super duper sorry about this crappy update and how long it's taken to get out. My many apologies. However, i do want to say thanks for all the likes, reads and comments!

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