Chapter One

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He looked at me....

I looked at him...

He looked at me...

I looked at him...

This was constant. Every time I walked outside and he was there we would just stare at each other. It wasn't weird.. It was just staring. Sometimes he'll give me a soft smirk. But I don't know.. He's quite different. He seems to have his own little world going in in his house. He has a a lot of men and women going in and out his house. The women are nearly clothed and the men look like gangsters and players..

Justin. Thats his name.

He's my next door neighbour. He's quiet.. But seems like a business man.. Not the type of business that corporate people do. More like a undefined business. The type of business cops shit down and take time to track down.

Justin smiled at me again and walked into his house.

I sat up and walked inside. I lived with my Step Dad. My mom died three years ago from unknown causes. My step Dad is an alcoholic.. He works but drinks to much. My dad... My real dad.. I don't remember much of him. I never actually seen him since I was about four.

"Michelle!" My Step Dad yelled for inside. I grabbed my books running in.

"Yes?" I asked putting my bag down. He was defiantly intoxicated.

"What were you doing on the porch?" He slurred taking a sloppy sip of his beer. I was repulsed by the sight of him.

"I was just sitting on the porch." I crossed my arms across my chest. I just wanted to get as far away as possible from him.

"Looking at Justin again?" He laughed. I felt my cheeks slightly heat up. I sighed, "No I wasn't."

"You know that boy is 20 and will never date an ugly girl like you. So stop living in the clouds. And if I see you around him or any boy I swear.." He laughed drunkenly. I felt tears sting my eyes. He always makes me feel like shit. I bit my cheek going upstairs. He's the one that always brings me down. He's the one that always makes me so depressed. I miss my mom.

I grabbed some fresh clothes and walked towards the bathroom. I looked in the mirror. My wavy light brown hair which was mainly on the straight side, my tan skin, my green eyes, chapped lips, and odd body shape. Everything about me wasn't perfect. I was the opposite. I was just so hideous. No boy will ever come near me. I know that for a fact.

I got in the shower and closed my eyes. I tried blocking out everything. Just live in my own world. Justin's smile always flashed through my mind. He makes my heart flutter. But every time I see his smile I see something else.. Like something hurting. Badly. Someone in pain. Maybe it was just my imagination. Or maybe not.

I shut off the water drying off putting on my worn down PJs. I tied my hair in a messy bun seeing my step dad stand there.

"Is something wrong? What happened?" I asked putting away my dirty clothes. He slammed a book on the bed. I walked over seeing my diary. "Why are you looking through my private stuff?" I yelled grabbing it. He stepped towards me.

"Your stuff? Last time I check this is my house and what's in my house is mine." He chuckled disgustingly chugging his beer. I was just utterly grossed out at the sight of him.

"I don't know why my mom ever married you! You're disgusting! I can't wait till I'm 18 so I can leave!" I said putting my diary away.

He turned me around grabbing my shoulders tight. "Your mom was a stupid bitch! The only thing that came out of her was you and that body! And what's under my roof is mine! And you most certainly live under my roof!" Throwing me on my bed.

My eyes went wide as he started unbuckling his pants. My breathing hitched. I was about to scream but he slapped me. I held my face sobbing. He grabbed my ankle pulling me towards him.

He leaned down to my ear whispering, "Don't fight it.. Your mother didn't." I felt his warm disgusting breath on my cheek. The smell of beer made my stomach twist and turn.

He soon ripped off my clothes putting his hand over my mouth. My screams were muffled.

All I wanted was my mom.

All I wanted was god to end my life right than and there.

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